The Kyoto College of Graduate Studies for Informatics (KCGI) celebrated the 18th anniversary of its founding on Monday, November 1, 2021, and held a ceremony online to commemorate the founding.To prevent the transmission of the new coronavirus, the ceremony was broadcast via the Internet, and students and faculty members celebrated the 18th anniversary in their own places and pledged further development.KCGI President Toshihide Ibaraki said in his address, "KCGI has continued to grow steadily with the opening of the Sapporo and Tokyo Satellites, and in recent years has established itself as a global graduate school, welcoming students from all over the world.In order to accommodate the increase in the number of students, construction of a new school building is currently underway on a site adjacent to the Hyakumanben main school.Completion is scheduled for August of next year," he said, describing the current status of KCGI and its future prospects.
Professor Hoichi Domochi, Vice President of KCGI and Director of the Center for Higher Education and Learning Innovation, then gave a commemorative lecture titled "Tips for Online Classes: Recommendations for Active Learning.Professor Tsuchimochi received his undergraduate and graduate degrees from California State University, U.S.A., and his master's and doctoral degrees from Columbia University's Graduate School of Education.He has been a professor at Hirosaki University and Teikyo University, and a visiting professor at the University of Victoria, Canada, the University of South Florida, and Nagoya University.He is an authority on pedagogy, and at KCGI, he is working vigorously to root a new pedagogy, active learning (a teaching and learning method that incorporates the active participation of learners, as opposed to a one-way lecture-style education by the instructor).
In his lecture, Prof. Tsuchimochi began by saying, "The start of online classes in the wake of the new coronavirus infection has raised the question, 'What is a class?Until now, the teaching style has been one-way, with the instructor lecturing and writing on the board, and the students learning from the lectures, but this has all changed with the Corona disaster," he noted.He added, "The key to being prepared for online classes is to be an 'autonomous learner.He explained in detail that there are many types of active learning, including discussion and learning outside of class time, and that "schools need to recognize that 'thinking' is active learning.He concluded his lecture by saying, "Although we have no choice but to offer online classes due to the effects of the new coronavirus infection, I believe that students will understand that there are ways of learning that are only possible online.
KCGI was established on May 1, 1963 as Japan's first IT professional graduate school, inheriting the pioneering spirit of Kyoto Computer Gakuin (KCG), the first computer education institution in Japan.The Graduate School of Applied Information Technology offers a major in Web Business Technology, and upon completion, students are awarded a Master of Information Technology (Professional), the highest degree in the field of IT applications.The program is designed to enable students to concentrate on their studies by offering specialized courses in the following areas: ERP, Business Data Analytics, Global Entrepreneurship, Web System Development, Network Management, IT Manga/Animation, Tourism IT, and Artificial Intelligence, as well as industry courses in FinTech, Agriculture, Marine, Medicine/Health, Content Marketing, and Education.The admission capacity has been increased from the original 80 (160 total) to 600 (1,200 total).We send out excellent human resources with knowledge and skills in IT and management, as well as content, to the IT industry in Japan, Asia and the rest of the world.