May 1, 2019 was the 56th anniversary of the founding of the KCG Group of The Kyoto College of Graduate Studies for Informatics (KCGI), Kyoto Computer Gakuin (KCG), and Kyoto College of Motor Vehicles (KCGM).In commemoration of this event, a ceremony was held on the 17th in the main hall on the 6th floor of KCGI Kyoto Ekimae Satellite and KCG Kyoto Ekimae School.Students, faculty, and staff celebrated the results of their education and research to date, reaffirmed their mission to play a leading role in the ever-evolving information society, and pledged to make even greater strides.
At the commemorative ceremony, the pioneer spirit, the founding spirit of the school, and the educational philosophy of KCG were first confirmed by everyone in the hall.Next, Dr. Kazuki Maenou, Head of the Computer Science Department at KCG, gave a lecture titled "The Significance of Studying at KCG.
Dr. Maenoh entered KCG after graduating from Ryukoku University, where he studied IT.In his lecture, Dr. Maenou introduced the history of KCG's advanced initiatives, comparing them to the time when he was born and grew up.He also shared an episode in which he suddenly realized how great computers were at his job after graduating from college, and when he asked his boss if he could work in the IT department, he was turned down, so he immediately quit his job and decided to enroll in KCG.Through her student life, she learned that "you can learn something by trying" and "the bond that comes from a challenge is very strong," and through her participation in off-campus activities, she learned the joy of communicating technology to others, which led her to want to become a teacher at KCG.He passionately stated, "KCG is about 'carving out a path for others in a wilderness without a path,' and that is why I am here to continue learning and teaching so that the next generation can benefit from it.He concluded, "The past 56 years of KCG are the history of our seniors.I believe that from now on, this is a history that we will make together with you.Let's entertain the world," he urged the audience, concluding his lecture.
The foundation of the KCG group is the "FORTRAN Research Group", which was established on May 1, 1963 by a group of graduates from the Department of Astrophysics, Graduate School of Astrophysics, Kyoto University.The study group was intended to use the IBM 7090 for academic researchers at the university.It was the first computer education institution in Japan, founded by Shigeo Hasegawa, the first president, and Yasuko Hasegawa, the current president, with their belief, passion, and pioneering spirit to discover the potential of computers and to train information processing engineers.
In 1969, Kyoto Computer Gakuin, Japan's first full-time school for the training of computer engineers, was established.Since then, the institute has continued to grow and has graduated more than 40,000 students to date.In 2004, The Kyoto College of Graduate Studies for Informatics, Japan's first and only IT graduate school, was established and joined the group school. Graduates and graduates contribute to the driving and development of the IT industry in Japan and the world.In 2013, Kyoto Automotive College, the oldest auto mechanic training school in Kyoto, joined the group.