On July 6 (Sat.), The Kyoto College of Graduate Studies for Informatics (KCGI) and Kyoto Computer Gakuin (KCG) held a "Digital Drawing Lecture - Things to remember before drawing digitally" at KCGI Kyoto Station Satellite and KCG Kyoto Station School.Forty cartoonists and aspiring cartoonists gathered to hear professional artists explain the basics and key points that are often overlooked in digital cartooning.
The lecturer will be Doryu Kitano, who has continued to produce and publish many popular works.(a joint pen name for several members) and "JUMP SQ.Mineo Saito, publisher of "Manga Seminar MANZEMI" (Shueisha) and well known in the industry for his ability, was in charge of the event.The differences between digital and analog drawing are explained in "Background", "Portrait", and "Finishing" sections.The lecturer noted that the advantages of digital production include the following: "It is possible to work on backgrounds and figures separately (in the case of analog, it is not possible to work on a single sheet of paper at the same time); it is superior in terms of work efficiency, as callouts can be easily replaced because the work is finished in a layered structure; and there is no risk of losing the original document.Before going digital, basic expressive skills should be sufficiently acquired with paper and ink," he said.
After this, participants experienced digital production using "CLIP STUIDO PAINT," an illustration and manga production software developed by Celsys, Inc.The company's staff provided guidance.
The Kyoto version of the Tokiwaso project is operated by NEWVERY, an NPO commissioned by Kyoto City.We are building a community that provides opportunities for aspiring manga artists to become professionals by offering inexpensive shared housing to aspiring manga artists in a traditional Kyoto townhouse, as well as by organizing on-site editorial offices and workshops for manga artists.The Kyoto International Manga Anime Fair (KYOMAF ), organized by Kyoto City and the KCG Group every fall, hosts a "Manga Traveling Editors" event.