Two second-year students from The Kyoto College of Graduate Studies for Informatics (KCGI) passed the SAP Certification Exam (Financial Accounting System) on May 18th.SAP, a German company, is one of the world's leading companies in business software, and the SAP certification exam is known as a difficult exam.
The successful applicants this time were Ms. Zhao Ming and Mr. Wang Jin.I attended and learned from Professor Harufumi Ueda's seminar last October, which focused on SAP education.Thanks to Professor Ueda's guidance and intensive study, I successfully passed the difficult exam.
The SAP exam was translated from English to Japanese, and many of the words were difficult for foreign students," said Zhao Ming.For the two Chinese nationals, it was an accomplishment that overcame the language barrier.The possibilities have greatly expanded to employment where I can make use of my qualifications.
Professor Ueda, who guided the two students, said, "The measures taken since the end of last year to strengthen SAP education are having a positive effect, and we are aiming for more than 15 students to pass the exam this year.We can expect more good news in the future.