The Future Environment Lab, established by The Kyoto College of Graduate Studies for Informatics (KCGI), Kyoto Computer Gakuin (KCG), and Nihon Unisys, Ltd. in an industry-academia partnership, held an intramural hackathon on Tuesday, December 26, 2017 at KCGI Kyoto Ekimae satellite and KCG Kyoto Ekimae school!
A hackathon is an event for intensive development in a short period of time.This was the first hackathon for KCG students, and the staff and students of the Future Environment Lab worked together to create a work of art in a short period of time.
The theme for this year was "Year-end x IT x New Year's", and we aimed to develop services and games to make the year-end and New Year's holidays enjoyable.Participants were asked to come up with ideas, and after presenting their ideas, development began and ended with a presentation of the results.
Since the work was done in a space different from that of usual practical classes, there was a friendly atmosphere with jokes flying around during the work and laughter involving all participants, but everyone gave their best to their own work and there was a very good balance between concentration and relaxation.
The Future Environment Lab plans to hold a variety of development-related events, starting with this on-campus hackathon.We hope you will all join us then!