The entrance ceremony of The Kyoto College of Graduate Studies for Informatics (KCGI), Kyoto Computer Gakuin (KCG), Kyoto Japanese Language Training Center (KJLTC), and Kyoto Automobile College (KCGM) is held on April 5th (Sun) at KCG Kyoto Station School The KCG group was joined by a large number of friends who will be responsible for future IT and the automotive industry.At the ceremony, the representative of the new students made a strong pledge: "We are all determined to make every effort to move forward toward the future that we have envisioned for ourselves.
The main hall of The Kyoto College of Graduate Studies for Informatics Kyoto Ekimae Satellite Hall was filled with freshmen, parents and other related parties, and foyer and classrooms were used as venues.At the beginning of the ceremony, a video introducing the history of KCG Group, founded in 1963 as the first computer education institution in Japan, was shown, followed by a speech by Wataru Hasegawa, President of KCG Group.He sincerely welcomed the new students and said, "Computers (IT/ICT) are indispensable to our society.The human resources who will contribute to the further development and evolution of the technology are expected from various fields, and a great future is opening up for them.He encouraged the students to take pride in their decision to study at the university and to make the most of their student life.
KCGI President Toshihide Ibaraki then cited the rapid progress of robots in recent years, starting with ASIMO, which is now used in nursing care and daily life, as an example of how IT is expanding in a variety of ways.He hopes that students will acquire the "ability to learn" so that they can actively learn on their own. "While you are still in school, even if you fail, you will never be blamed, even if you are praised.It would be great if you could acquire a positive attitude through such experiences while you are in school, so that when you graduate from the University, you will be able to go out into society with confidence.
In response, Mr. Kashi Oka (Department of Game Science, Yawata Technical High School, Shiga Prefecture), a representative of the new students, said, "While IT has made remarkable progress, the number of incidents involving the illegal use of information technology is increasing day by day.We believe that information technology engineers have a role to play in making sure that society can properly use information technology.We will learn not only specialized knowledge and skills from our professors and seniors, but also a rich humanity. We will grow every day, taking responsibility for our own actions while making many friends who can cooperate and support each other to gain a broad perspective.
This was followed by an orientation and parent-teacher conference, where the students took their first steps as members of the KCG family.
Congratulations on your enrollment!I support all of you in your endeavors.