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A memorial service for Dr. Toshiharu Hasegawa was held.

A memorial service for Dr. Toshiharu Hasegawa, the second president of Kyoto College of The Kyoto College of Graduate Studies for Informatics (KCGI) and a world-renowned authority on operations research, who passed away last November, was held on Saturday, January 28 at the Kyoto Station Satellite Main Hall of Kyoto College of The Kyoto College of Graduate Studies for Informatics.

The first part of the memorial service was a memorial concert for Dr. Toshiharu Hasegawa, a classical music fan, which was open to the public.At the beginning of the ceremony, President Wataru Hasegawa said, "Dr. Toshiharu Hasegawa was a truly great teacher for our university.I would like to pledge our further development to the spirits of the dead," he said in his address.

Following this, pianist Akiko Sugitani, who is closely associated with the university, performed pieces loved by Dr. Toshiharu Hasegawa, including Alessandro Scarlatti's "KK380 in E major", Mozart's "Sonata in A minor K310" and "Rondo in A minor K511".The violinist Gleb Nikitin and the students performed Beethoven's "Violin Sonata No. 5 in F major 'Spring'" and Sarasate's "Zigoinelwaizen" in concert, moving the audience of people related to Dr. Toshiharu Hasegawa and the students from KCGI and KCG.

In the second part, three lecturers who were trained by Dr. Toshiharu Hasegawa introduced his achievements.He began by describing the modest and generous personality of Dr. Toshihide Ibaraki, President of KCGI, and introduced his academic achievements, mainly in the field of communications engineering, where he proposed the asynchronous time division multiplexing method and was involved in road traffic control on highways.Then, Prof. Yutaka Takahashi, Graduate School of Engineering, Kyoto University, and Prof. Hiroyuki Kono, Nanzan University, gave presentations on their achievements in the field of communication engineering and road traffic control, respectively.

The third part of the event was moved to the foyer in front of the hall, where a "Memorial Gathering" was held with the participation of more than 100 people who are related to the event.Following the opening remarks by KCGI President Wataru Hasegawa and President Ibaraki, and free discussion, seven of Dr. Hasegawa's former students, including Professor Shojiro Nishio of Osaka University, shared their memories of Dr. Hasegawa.The audience was warmly moved by his words, which reflect his personality: "Without him, I would not be here today," said Goichi Yue, professor at Konan University, and "I will always remember his words that we should teach students 'what is always and forever useful'" (Masanori Fushimi, professor at Nanzan University and professor emeritus at the University of Tokyo).

Finally, on behalf of the bereaved family, Ms. Yumiko Isokane, the daughter of the deceased, said, "Thank you very much for holding this memorial concert today for my father, who loved classical music.I was moved by the performance of a song that my father used to hum at home.My father loved to interact with students and always seemed to enjoy talking about his students.I am happy to see all of you here today because of my father's gentle personality," he said.

Mr. Toshiharu Hasegawa taught and encouraged many people, and left a great mark on academics and human resource development.Those who were associated with him were forever sharing their memories of him.

Gleb Nikitin and Akiko Sugitani performing at the memorial concert
President Ibaraki introduces Dr. Toshiharu Hasegawa's achievements
Takahashi, Professor, Graduate School of Kyoto University, introducing his achievements in the field of communications engineering.
Prof. Kono, Nanzan University, presenting his achievements in the field of road control
Professor Gao presiding over the "Gathering in Remembrance.
President Wataru Hasegawa addressing the "Gathering in Remembrance".
A scene from the "Gathering in Remembrance" discussion















