With two high-ranking officials from the Mongolian Ministry of Education, Culture, Science and Sports (MECSS) and two guests, including the head of international student affairs at the private Etugen University, the KCGI-MECSS Symposium was held on October 30, 2019, at Kyoto Computer Gakuin (KCG) Kyoto Station School and The Kyoto College of Graduate Studies for Informatics (KCGI) Kyoto Station Satellite.Attending from the KCGI side were KCG Group General Director Wataru Hasegawa and faculty members.
In his welcoming speech at the beginning of the symposium, President Hasegawa introduced the history and educational philosophy of the KCG Group and said, "More than 10 years ago, we had an opportunity to exchange views on ICT education with the Mongolian government, but since then we have not had a chance to do so again.Prof. Yutaka Takahashi of KCGI gave a presentation titled "Making Society Smart with ICT" on energy efficiency and risk reduction that are advancing in various areas of society through the use of ICT.
Mr. Temuren Munkusk of the University of Ettgen introduced the University of Ettgen, where about 6,000 students study, some of whom are interested in studying or working in Japan.Mr. Bayarintsen Otugontug, Director of Finance Department of MECSS, explained that the number of universities has been decreasing while the number of students has been increasing in Mongolia, and that the department has strengthened its public relations and changed its policy to encourage students to choose a major that suits them and has potential, rather than to enter a university with a high world ranking.
During the Q&A session, the participants talked about how Mongolian universities and the KCG Group have introduced a Western-style credit transfer system and the differences between this system and the degree system established by Japanese universities in general.They were eager to work with the KCG Group in the future.