The Kyoto College of Graduate Studies for Informatics (KCGI), Kyoto Computer Gakuin (KCG), Kyoto Japanese Language Training Center (KJLTC), Kyoto Automobile College (KCGM) 's 2017 entrance ceremony will be held on Saturday, April 8, The Kyoto College of Graduate Studies for Informatics Kyoto It was held at the station square satellite.Due to the large increase in enrollment, the ceremony was divided into two sessions: KCG and KCGM in the morning, and KCGI and KJLTC in the afternoon, connecting to the Sapporo and Tokyo satellites.At the ceremony, the representative of each new student made a strong pledge: "I will strive to grow every day, aiming to cultivate rich creativity as well as specialized knowledge and skills in order to contribute to the realization of an ideal information society.
The main venue for both the morning and afternoon ceremonies was the Kyoto Station Satellite Hall of the Kyoto Institute of Information Science, which was filled with new students, parents, and other concerned parties, who also utilized the foyer and classrooms.In addition, many international students from many countries are enrolled, and the number of government-sponsored students, who carry the expectations of their countries, has been increasing year by year.
The ceremony began with a video introducing the history of the KCG Group, which was founded in 1963 as Japan's first computer education institution, followed by a speech by Wataru Hasegawa, KCG Group President.He introduced each of the KCG group schools and said, "You are all members of our university from today.I hope that you will take pride in your choice and decision to study at our university and make the most of your student life.Please study hard enough as you look to the future.I hope that you will follow in the footsteps of our outstanding seniors and become confident graduates and alumni, and open the way to a better future.The faculty and staff of the university will do our best to back you up," he encouraged.
KCGI President Toshihide Ibaraki then cited the "U.S. presidential election" and the "education" field, including MOOCs (massive online courses), as examples of the impact of the Internet and digital technology, and sent the following message: "Please develop your own sound common sense and motivation as you study ICT (information and communication technology) and strive to independently acquire necessary knowledge.
In response, Ayumi Mizoguchi (KCG Media and Information, Ujiyamada Commercial High School, Mie Prefecture) in the morning session and Takuya Tone (KCGI, Osaka Kyoiku University) in the afternoon session, representing the new students, said, "We are all determined to move toward the future we have envisioned, with our own goals, challenging new things and making every effort.We believe that our mission as information engineers is to create a rich, safe, and comfortable society in which everyone can effectively use necessary information in today's advanced information society with the development of ICT," he pledged strongly.
This was followed by a parent-teacher conference, and the students took a new step forward as members of the KCG family.
Congratulations on your enrollment.We hope you will have a fulfilling student life.