e-Learning Award 2015 Contest sponsored by the Forum “12th Japan e-Learning Grand Prix”, content jointly produced by The Kyoto College of Graduate Studies for Informatics (KCGI) and the Vegetable Planet Association, “Using Wearable Drone Cameras "Development of content for reverse learning of human resource development for the next generation" won the wearable category award.
KCGI has invited Mr. Tomoshi Nakawa of the same association as a visiting professor to give a lecture on agricultural IT (smart agriculture).Lecture contents and e-learning materials have been developed with Associate Professor Keiji Emi of KCGI and others.The organizers and judges of the contest evaluated that "by using a drone camera to overview the entire farm and an eyeglass-type wearable camera to formalize the tacit knowledge of farm work, the contestants were able to create educational materials for effective farm work and human resource development.
The Japan e-Learning Awards recognize e-learning content, services, and solutions that help to create new learning possibilities, improve academic performance, and lead to cost reductions, productivity improvements, and business reforms in companies, municipalities, and organizations.The award ceremony will be held on Wednesday, October 28 at the e-Learning Awards 2015 Forum, which will be held at the Sola City Conference Hall in Ochanomizu, Tokyo.
At the forum, Associate Professor Emi will give a lecture titled "Creating JMOOC Materials with Internationalization and Multilingualization in Mind" on Thursday, October 29, from 15:20 to 16:10.We will also include an introduction of the award-winning works, so please come to the venue.
KCGI has established a new Applied Information Business Course in 2016, and is building a curriculum and preparing various related lectures in the fields of marine IT, medical IT, etc., in addition to agricultural IT related to this award-winning work.
Lecture Guide