The Kyoto Shimbun featured the results of an industry-academia collaboration between the Kyoto College of Guraduate School of Informatics (KCGI) and the Cyber Kyoto Laboratory (CKL), which manages and operates the .kyoto web site, together with iMatrix, Inc.This project aimed to develop new information security technology for companies, and was supported by Kyoto Prefecture and the Kyoto Industry 21 Foundation for the Promotion of Industry-Academia Collaboration for Regional Industrial Development.CKL and the two companies have jointly developed Kyoto Security, a system that stops phishing sites from causing damage at the water's edge.This is a new technology that blocks connections when a user is about to be directed to a malicious site, and has the advantage of not requiring the installation of special software.Amid growing interest in information security in response to the recent spate of cyber crimes, CKL was featured in the Kyoto Shimbun newspaper on September 9, 2017, and was able to widely promote the results of the industry-academia collaboration project in which CKL was also involved to society.