The Kyoto College of Graduate Studies for Informatics Cyber Kyoto Research Institute (CKL, Director, Masatoshi Kido Deputy Professor, The Kyoto College of Graduate Studies for Informatics), who manages and operates a new geographical name top-level domain “.kyoto” A concert and party commemorating the opening of the Keihanna Open Innovation Center (KICK) was held on July 19, 2015 at the Kyoto Station Graduate School Kyoto Station Satellite.Kyoto Prefecture, Kyoto City, the business community, university-related people, and people from companies and organizations that were among the first to participate in the Founders Program of ".kyoto" were among the many people in attendance.Based on a comprehensive agreement with Kyoto Prefecture, Cyber Kyoto Institute will promote the operation and research of ".kyoto" as well as efforts to build an "Open University Kyoto" to promote collaborative education with universities around the world using e-learning.
The concert will feature "Bassoon and Cello Music" by Mr. and Mrs. Edelman, who are active on the world's highest stage.The bassoon is also called a bassoon, and the couple has been active in Japan, performing at concerts at the Imperial Palace, the opening ceremony of the Nagano Winter Olympics, and concerts in support of victims of the Great East Japan Earthquake.On this day, they entertained the visitors with their breathtaking and solemn sounds of Mozart sonatas and Japanese pieces.The concert was part of the menu for KCG Summer Festa 2015, a summer festival of the KCG Group, which consists of The Kyoto College of Graduate Studies for Informatics, Kyoto Computer Gakuin, and Kyoto Computer Gakuin Automobile School, and was attended by many members of the public.
At the party after the concert, Wataru Hasegawa, President of KCG Group, gave an opening speech, expressing his enthusiasm for the various projects based on the Cyber Kyoto Institute.I hope that the KCG Group will lead the way in creating a dignified city of Kyoto in cyberspace, and that KICK will become a research institute that is recognized around the world as a center for the realization of a smart city," he said in his congratulatory address.Makoto Nagao, Counselor of Kyoto Prefecture (former President of Kyoto University and former Director of the National Diet Library) proposed a toast, and the participants engaged in friendly conversation.
In September 2014, the Cyber Kyoto Research Institute received the first certification from the prefectural government as a research center of the center's research utilization plan.On May 26, 2015, Kyoto Institute of Information Science and Technology and Kyoto Prefecture signed a comprehensive agreement on collaboration and cooperation, which includes the use of ".kyoto" to strengthen the dissemination of the Kyoto brand.
In operating ".kyoto", Cyber Kyoto Institute has recruited founding members as part of the Founder's Program, a priority registration program (up to 20 domain names can be reserved and acquired in advance), and on June 1, 2015, the first registration, "lasenke.kyoto" by Urasenke, a tea ceremony company, was registered, followed by the Kyoto Central Credit Bank and Sun Chlorella Co.The Founders Program runs through November 30 of this year.The subsequent sales program is based on the regulations of ICANN (Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers), a U.S. non-profit organization that manages domain names used on the Internet, with the following schedule: "Sunrise I" (for character strings registered as trademarks using alphanumeric characters and hyphens) from October, priority registration for public and utility organizations and "Sunrise II" (for character strings registered as trademarks) from December, "Landrush" (at premium prices) from January 2016, and general registration from February.
Cyber Kyoto Laboratory (CKL)
KCG Summer Festa 2015