With approximately 400,000 members in 160 countries, including the United States, the IEEE (The Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, Inc.=The delegation, including Mr. David Alan Greer, President of the Computer Society (CS) of the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE), and Mr. Kazuo Furukawa, former President of the Information Processing Society of Japan (IPSJ), visited the Kyoto Station Satellite of the Kyoto College of The Kyoto College of Graduate Studies for Informatics (KCGI) and the Kyoto Station School of Kyoto Computer Gakuin (KCG) on Friday, July 24, and toured the KCGMuseum, which preserves and exhibits valuable computer equipment and has been certified as the first "Distributed Computer Museum" in Japan by IPSJ.
The group looked around the museum's five models of "Information Technology Heritage and Certified Equipment," including the TOSBAC-3400 and OKITAC-4300C systems, and captured them on camera.Mr. Greer said, "It is wonderful to see the historical transition of Japanese technology," and Mr. Furukawa said, "I would like to express my gratitude to the museum for providing a museum that can be seen by future generations.
The group visited the museum as an event of the COMPSAC International Conference (July 22-26, sponsored by IEEE-CS) held at Kyoto Terrsa in Kyoto City.Other visitors included.
Yoshiki Shimoma, Secretary General, Information Processing Society of Japan
Yuji Oke, Director and Professor, Kyushu Institute of Technology
Katsuo Ikeda, Professor Emeritus, Kyoto University and Former Director, Advanced Technological Research Institute of Kyoto Foundation
Hisao Okabe, Professor, Academic Center for Computing and Media Studies, Kyoto University