The degree conferral ceremony of Kyoto College of The Kyoto College of Graduate Studies for Informatics (KCGI), the graduation ceremony of Kyoto Computer Gakuin (KCG), Kyoto Japanese Language Training Center (KJLTC), and Kyoto College of Motor Vehicles (KCGM) for the academic year 2017 were held on March 18, 2018 at KCGI Kyoto Station Satellite Main Hall.Amidst the growing shortage of human resources in the IT and automobile maintenance fields, the students who have studied together at KCG Group are confidently and vigorously taking their skills and knowledge into the world with their memories of their time as students.Congratulations to all graduates and alumni.I sincerely wish you all the best in your endeavors.
The ceremony was attended by many parents of graduates and alumni, who filled the hall and utilized the foyer as a ceremony space.At the beginning of the ceremony, KCGI President Toshihide Ibaraki presented diplomas and degrees to the graduates, while the principals of Rakuhoku, Kamogawa, and Kyoto Ekimae Schools presented diplomas to KCG graduates, the principal of Kamogawa School to KJLTC graduates, and the principal of KCGM to KCGM graduates, respectively.After the ceremony, the KCGI, KCG, and KCGM Grand Prize and Excellence Award winners were presented with certificates of merit and commemorative gifts.
In his address, Mr. Wataru Hasegawa, Chairman of the KCG Group, gave the following words of farewell: "It would be wonderful if you could continue to build and expand a good network and grow and develop together with the KCG Group, which is aiming for its next 100th anniversary.
President Ibaraki highlighted artificial intelligence (AI) as a representative example of new technology, saying, "Some say that AI will eventually acquire all the capabilities that humans have excelled at in the near future, but AI, backed by massive big data, will not be able to handle anything unprecedented in the past, and our human role will not disappear so easily.The world you are about to embark upon is a swirling sea of change.We hope that you will find new possibilities and actively take on new challenges," he encouraged.
Mr. Naranjo Bejarano Carlos, a Spanish national who studied at the Department of Game Development Fundamentals as a Japanese Government Scholarship student, gave the graduation address.With high expectations and some anxiety, I was able to gain invaluable experience and take on challenges beyond my expectations thanks to my teachers and seniors." Looking back, he said, "I will make my student life at KCG an asset in my life, never forgetting my pioneering spirit, and strive to contribute to the creation of a prosperous society, even if only in a small way.Personally, I would like to contribute to the friendship between Japan and Spain in any way I can," he vowed.At the end of the event, all attendees sang "Light of Fireflies" together.
After the ceremony, the celebration was moved to Rihga Royal Hotel Kyoto.Graduates and alumni reminisced with faculty and staff with whom they had shared their joys and hardships, and pledged to make great strides in the future.The students had a great time at the raffle and other events, and ended their last day as students with smiles on their faces.