The Kyoto College of Graduate Studies for Informatics (KCGI) Degree Ceremony in 2016, Kyoto Computer Gakuin (KCG), Kyoto Japanese Language Training Center (KJLTC), and Kyoto Automobile College (KCGM) graduation ceremony on March 18, 2017, The Kyoto College of Graduate Studies for Informatics was held at the Kyoto Ekimae Satellite Hall.Amidst the growing shortage of IT personnel, the students who studied together at the KCG Group have left with memories of their time as students, and with their skills and knowledge, they have strongly embarked on their careers.Congratulations to all graduates and alumni.I sincerely wish you all the best in your endeavors.
Many parents came to the ceremony and filled the hall.At the beginning of the ceremony, KCGI President Toshihide Ibaraki presented diplomas and degrees to the graduates, while the principals of Rakuhoku, Kamogawa, and Kyoto Ekimae Schools presented diplomas to KCG graduates, the principal of Kamogawa School to KJLTC graduates, and the principal of KCGM to KCGM graduates, respectively.After the ceremony, the KCGI, KCG, and KCGM Grand Prize and Excellence Award winners were presented with certificates of merit and commemorative gifts.
In his address at the ceremony, KCG Group President Wataru Hasegawa emphasized to the graduates, "The skills and knowledge you have acquired at KCG will give you a solid foundation for the future.He said that the "KCG Family," a human network of more than 40,000 graduates and alumni, will surely be useful in business and life in the future. "I sincerely hope that you will continue to build and expand a good network and be active as a leader of society," he said in his farewell address.
President Ibaraki noted that ICT (Information and Communication Technology) has drastically changed our lives over the past 30 years. "It is difficult to imagine what society will be like 30 years from now, with the appearance of IoT (Internet of Things), AI (Artificial Intelligence), and other new technologies.In such a situation, I encourage you to keep your antenna up for opportunities and actively take on new challenges.
Next, Akiko Yasumi, who graduated from a liberal arts college and joined a regional bank and later studied at KCG's Information Processing Department, gave her graduation address as a representative of the graduating students.I was anxious when I first enrolled in the program because I had no computer knowledge or skills, but thanks to the kind and attentive guidance of my professors, I was able to make it to this day without a hitch.I also have fond memories of the relationships that were formed among students through school events such as the Freshman Camp." Looking back, he pledged, "I will make my student life at KCG an asset in my life, never forgetting my pioneering spirit, and strive to contribute to the creation of a prosperous society, if even a little.At the end of the event, all attendees sang "Light of Fireflies" together.
After the ceremony, the celebration was moved to Rihga Royal Hotel Kyoto.Graduates and alumni reminisced with faculty and staff with whom they had shared their joys and hardships, and pledged to make great strides in the future.The students had a great time at the raffle and other events, and ended their last day as students with smiles on their faces.