In March this year, Yuya Yamanaka, a student student studying at The Kyoto College of Graduate Studies for Informatics (KCGI), passed the IT5 qualification HTML5 certification test (level 1), and is a comprehensive media medium that handles publication and content production. I was interviewed by the company Shosuisha (Headquarters: Shinjuku-ku, Tokyo).In November 2016, KCGI and its group school Kyoto Computer Gakuin (KCG), which have traditionally offered classes and intensive lectures on HTML5 technology, were certified as the first "HTML5 Academic School" among higher education institutions in the Kansai region by LPI-Japan (Linux Professional Institute Japan), a non-profit organization that administers certification exams for Linux and HTML5, etc. Mr. Yamanaka is the first KCG Group student to obtain certification after that certification, as a group examination.Mr. Yamanaka is learning about IT and system development at KCGI while working for a financial institution.This interview was conducted in a trilogy format with Yamanaka's advisor, Associate Professor Keiji Emi, and LPI-Japan President Gen Narui in attendance.
During the interview, Associate Professor Emi first explained how KCGI and KCG came to teach HTML5 and its characteristics and usefulness, followed by Yamanaka's comment, "I knew nothing about HTML5 when I entered KCGI, but after studying it, I realized that it is easy to code and is excellent for graphic depiction.I would like to use these skills to develop my company's own applications, and I would also like to challenge the higher level HTML5 certification exam," he said, describing his motivation for acquiring the certification and his future plans.In response to Yamanaka's comments, Chairman Narui said, "People who challenge certification exams are active people, and they will become human resources who will actively work when they join the company.HTML5 is very useful, and people who can use it will be in increasing demand in the future.I hope Yamanaka will use his skills to do a great job," he exhorted.
This trilogy will be published on Shoeisha's "Shikaku Zine" website, which provides the latest information on IT-related certifications and exam preparation for those in charge of hiring and training IT engineers.Associate Professor Emi, who teaches HTML5 classes at KCG Group, will also be introduced in "Introduction of LPI-Japan HTML5 Partner Instructors," a website where LPI-Japan introduces instructors from each HTML5 Academic Certified School.
Shoeisha Qualification Zine
Introduction of LPI-Japan HTML5 Partner Instructors