The Kyoto College of Graduate Studies for Informatics (KCGI) celebrated its 16th anniversary on November 1, 2019.On the same day, a commemorative ceremony was held at the main hall of KCGI Kyoto Ekimae Satellite, where students and faculty members celebrated and pledged further development.KCGI President Toshihide Ibaraki said in his address, "In recent years, KCGI has been accepting students from all over the world, including Asia, and is building a position as a global graduate school.On the other hand, we have established Sapporo Satellite and Tokyo Satellite in order to develop IT education closely related to the local community.We are now preparing to expand our educational activities domestically and internationally," he said of KCGI's current status.
Next, Vice President / Professor Doichi Tsuchimochi gave a commemorative lecture entitled “Learn new ways to learn at The Kyoto College of Graduate Studies for Informatics”.Professor Tsuchimochi received his undergraduate and graduate degrees from California State University, USA, and his master's and doctoral degrees from the Graduate School of Education, Columbia University, USA.He is also a Doctor of Education at the University of Tokyo.He has served as a professor at Hirosaki University and Teikyo University, and as a visiting professor at the University of Victoria, Canada, the University of South Florida, USA, and Nagoya University.He is an authority on pedagogy, and since coming to KCGI last year, he has been working tirelessly to root new pedagogical methods in our university.
In his lecture, Professor Tsuchimochi said, "Einstein said, 'I do not teach my students.We just give students an environment where they can learn,'' he said.My philosophy of education is the same, and I believe it is important to create an environment where we can "create" classes together with KCGI students.I believe that teachers learn and grow just as much as their students," he said.Professor Tsuchimochi introduced the shift in the U.S. to a "learning paradigm," in which the teacher stands on the podium and teaches the class, and the students discuss and learn in groups, saying, "'Learning how to learn' begins with knowing what kind of learner you are.We need to know that everyone learns and sees things differently.This leads to the development of autonomous learners," he explained.He went on to say, "'Learning how to learn' may not lead directly to college grading, but it certainly leads to grading in society and in life.
KCGI opened as Japan's first IT professional graduate school, inheriting the pioneering spirit of KCG, Japan's first computer education institution, which was founded on May 1, 1963.The Graduate School of Applied Information Technology offers a major in Web Business Technology, and upon completion, students are awarded a Master of Information Technology (Professional), the highest degree in the field of IT applications.In the academic field, the curriculum has been substantially reorganized since the 2018 academic year.In 2019, we will offer the following concentration models: ERP, Business Data Analytics, IT Entrepreneurship, Web System Development, Network Management, IT Manga/Animation, Tourism IT, and the following industrial field models: Agriculture, Marine, Medical/Healthcare, Content Marketing, Education, and FinTech.The admission capacity has been increased from 80 students when the school first opened (total capacity of 160) to 480 students (total capacity of 840) in FY2019.We have been sending talented people with knowledge and skills in IT and management, as well as content, to the IT industry in Japan, Asia and the rest of the world.