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PCs donated through overseas computer education support activities arrive in Malawi

The Embassy of Japan in Malawi recently informed us that 50 desktop computers donated to the Republic of Malawi as part of the KCG Group's long-standing overseas computer education support activities (IDCE) have arrived safely.We hope that it will be useful in promoting IT education in the country.

On November 1, 2013, at the 10th Anniversary Ceremony of Kyoto College of The Kyoto College of Graduate Studies for Informatics (KCGI) held at the Main Hall of the Satellite in front of Kyoto Station, a computer presentation ceremony was held for the Republic of Malawi.At the presentation ceremony, Deputy Chief of Mission Rosemary said, "Malawi has a serious shortage of computers and a lack of IT education.The donation will not only help to advance IT education in our country, but will also enable young people to learn about events around the world through the Internet.We thank KCG again and hope to continue our cooperation in the future," he said.

This is the third donation of computers to the Republic of Malawi, following the donation of 222 desktop and notebook computers in 1998 and 15 desktops in 2009.

IDCE is a project started by the KCG Group in 1989 to support computer education in developing countries.This is a voluntary activity to donate PCs used in the academy to developing countries and use them to develop and spread computer literacy education in developing countries in cooperation with the local Ministry of Education and Ministry of Science and Technology.To date, more than 3,000 computers have been donated.The 23 countries supported include Thailand, Ghana, Poland, Kenya, Zimbabwe, Peru, Sri Lanka, China, Brunei, Malawi, Nigeria, Mongolia, Kyrgyzstan, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Eritrea, Tanzania, Uganda, Mozambique, Saudi Arabia, Mexico, Myanmar, and Papua New Guinea.In 2006, in recognition of these activities, the ITU Foundation of Japan (International Telecommunication Union), one of the specialized agencies of the United Nations, awarded the Dean Yasuko Hasegawa the "Special Award for International Cooperation.















