(The far right in the photo is Wataru Hasegawa, KCG Group General Manager)
Wataru Hasegawa, President of KCG Group, as Representative Director and First Vice President of the Japan Federation of IT Associations (IT Federation), paid a courtesy visit to Mr. Hiroshige Seko, Minister of Economy, Trade and Industry, and Mr. Sanae Takaichi, Minister of Internal Affairs and Communications, on October 25 and December 13, respectively, and made the following recommendations toward realization of the IT Federation's proposal "Creating a World-Class IT State through Data Utilization", together with Mr. Miyasaka, President of KCG Group.
- Promoting data distribution to put administrative procedures online so that private sector businesses can take advantage of them
- Promotion of open data to fully open data held by the national and local governments
- Enhancement of IT literacy education in primary, secondary, and higher education and the development of professionals based on such education in order to develop and secure IT human resources, which is an urgent issue to make Japan a country where IT human resources can play an active role.
- Establishment of a system to promote the utilization of data, such as the establishment of a "government CTO" (chief technology officer) with sufficient technical expertise.
The Kyoto College of Graduate Studies for Informatics (KCGI) and Kyoto Computer Gakuin (KCG) have sent out a great number of talented IT personnel to the world so far, but in the future we will keep in mind practical IT education corresponding to the trends and changes of the times. , We will contribute to the creation of an ideal IT nation.