The degree conferment ceremony of The Kyoto College of Graduate Studies for Informatics (KCGI) and the graduation ceremony of Kyoto Computer Gakuin (KCG) for the first semester of 2015 were held on Tuesday, September 15, at the main hall of the satellite in front of Kyoto Station, Kyoto Institute of Information Science.The representatives of the graduating students and alumni made a strong pledge to "reaffirm the role that ICT (Information and Communication Technology) should play in society, and to contribute to society while maintaining a global perspective and deep insight, without being satisfied with the status quo.
KCGI President Toshihide Ibaraki presented each graduate with a "Master of Information Technology (Professional)" degree, and the principals of the Rakuhoku and Kyoto Ekimae schools presented each KCG graduate with a diploma and degree certificate.Afterwards, KCGI alumni who were selected for the Grand Prize and the Excellence Award for their outstanding academic and research achievements were presented with certificates and commemorative gifts.
In his address at the ceremony, KCG Group President Wataru Hasegawa noted that the social situation awaiting graduates and alumni is extremely challenging due to economic turmoil, conflicts around the world, and territorial disputes in Japan, and encouraged, "Whatever the times may be, you will always be able to find a way forward if you analyze and judge the situation, never forget to learn, and always look forward.He also mentioned the KCG Group's efforts in the management and operation of the top-level geographical domain ".kyoto," which was created in cyberspace this year, as well as education on the use of IT in the content business, marine, agriculture, and tourism fields.
Introducing "Moore's Law," President Ibaraki mentioned the astonishing progress of ICT in science and technology, and said, "It is said that the end of the law is approaching, and that is when your new ideas and concepts will have value.I hope that they will actively take on the challenges of the possibilities that will be created one after another in the ICT society," he said.
Then, on behalf of the graduates and alumni, Mr. Shun Dan, a graduate of KCGI's Graduate School of Applied Information Technology, said, "Since entering KCGI, we have enjoyed a fulfilling student life with the support of faculty members, friends, and family in a different culture.In his "Graduation Address," he stated emphatically, "In the future, I would like to apply the highly specialized skills I learned at this university to my own studies in the ever-advancing field of ICT, and to work as a specialist in the field.At the end of the event, all attendees sang "Hotaru no Hikari" (Light of Fireflies).After the ceremony, a celebration party was held at the Rihga Royal Hotel Kyoto with the KCGI graduates.
Congratulations to all graduates and alumni.We sincerely wish you continued success in your future endeavors.