An observation session was held on the rooftop of the Million-Uniform School of The Kyoto College of Graduate Studies for Informatics (KCGI) on Monday, May 21, when the topic of the annular solar eclipse was raised nationwide.
From early in the morning, students, faculty and staff, including members of the Kyoto Computer Gakuin (KCG) Astronomy Club, gathered for the observation.Each of them put eclipse glasses on their eyes and cheered when they saw the sun beginning to wane.
The weather was initially cloudy and worrisome, but as the time for the annular eclipse to begin approached, the clouds disappeared around the sun, making it an ideal day for observation.The area became as dim as in the evening, and strange phenomena not usually seen were observed, such as double blurred human figures and crescent-shaped light passing through holes in shirts.
When the annular eclipse began at around 7:30, the participants were intoxicated by the mystery of the universe, pressing their glasses to their eyes as they gazed or sighed.