On Saturday, July 14, 2018, Kyoto Prefectural Government and 45 universities (including junior colleges and technical colleges) in Kyoto Prefecture, including The Kyoto College of Graduate Studies for Informatics (KCGI), signed an agreement on employment support to promote employment in companies in Kyoto Prefecture through various employment support including human resource development for students.The items to be promoted through cooperation between the prefectural government and universities include active development of internships and joint company information sessions, and support for international students.
The agreement signing ceremony was held at Miyakomesse, Kyoto Municipal Industrial Exhibition Hall, with KCGI President Toshihide Ibaraki in attendance.Following the greeting by Governor Takatoshi Nishiwaki, the attending university officials made speeches, and President Ibaraki said, "Since its opening in 2004 as Japan's first IT professional graduate school, TUAT has expanded and internationalized education and research in the IT field, and many students of various nationalities are studying to obtain a master's degree in information technology (professional).This agreement will enhance the career education of our university and will also increase the momentum for students to find employment at companies in Kyoto Prefecture," he said.
The agreement includes the following: o Internship programs at companies in Kyoto Prefecture o Promotion of cooperation with students who need support in job hunting o Support for international students o Holding joint company information sessions on campus o Dissemination of information on companies and various events in the prefecture to students and their parents o Exchange of information on employment of students and graduates and sharing of information on human resource development.With the conclusion of the agreement, KCGI will be more proactive in providing students with information on employment opportunities at companies in the prefecture.