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Requests for job offers and downloads of job offers

To the Company

In accordance with Article 27 of the Employment Security Law, the University takes the same approach as the Public Employment Security Office when accepting job offers from companies.Therefore, based on the "Act on Promotion of Youth Employment", please provide a "Self-Report Form" and "Youth Employment Information Sheet" together with the job opening form.

Download job postings for FY 2021

If you would like to apply for a job offer for graduates scheduled to graduate in the fiscal year 2021 (September 2021, March 2022), please download the job offer form below, fill in the required information, and send it to us by e-mail or fax as shown below.

If you have detailed information such as company information, please send it to the following address.

Kyoto Computer Gakuin, 10 -5 Saikujo Teranomae-cho, Minami Ward, Kyoto City, 601 -8407
Employment and Career Programs Division, Kyoto University of Information Studies
TEL : 075-671-1756 FAX075-662-7690