- 京都大学工学士,同大学院修士課程修了(数理工学専攻),同大学院博士課程研究指導認定退学(数理工学専攻),工学博士
- 京都大学名誉教授,元京都大学大学院情報学研究科教授,元奈良先端科学技術大学院大学教授,元パリ第11大学客員教授,元INRIA(フランス国立情報制御研究所)客員研究員
- 日本オペレーションズ・リサーチ学会フェロー,通信・放送機構(TAO)「多段接続されたCATV網による通信・放送統合技術に関する研究開発」統括責任者(プロジェクトリーダー)
- 情報ネットワーク特論
- オナーズマスター論文
- 情報システム,待ち行列理論,トラヒック理論,ネットワーキング
- IFIP(International Federation for Information Processing) Silver Core
- 日本オペレーションズ・リサーチ学会フェロー
- スケジューリング学会技術賞
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- Keiichi Endo, Minoru Kawahara, Yutaka Takahashi, “Encoding for Secure Computations in Distributed Interactive Real-time Applications,” Computer Communications, Vol.31, No.9, pp.1679-1686(2008)
- Yasuo Tamura, Shoji Kasahara, Yutaka Takahashi, Satoshi Kamei, and Ryoichi Kawahara, “Inconsistency of Logical and Physical Topologies for Overlay Networks and Its Effect on File Transfer Delay,” Performance Evaluation. vol.65, pp.725-741 (2008)
- Shun Muraoka, Hiroyuki Masuyama, Shoji Kasahara and Yutaka Takahashi, “FEC Recovery Performance for Video Streaming Services over Wired-Wireless Networks Performance Evaluation,” Performance Evaluation, vol.66, pp.327-342(2009)
- Yusuke Gotoh, Tomoki Yoshihisa, Masanori Kanazawa and Yutaka Takahashi, “A Broadcasting Protocol for Selective Contents Considering Available Bandwidth,” IEEE Transaction on Broadcasting. vol.55, no.2, June pp.460-467(2009)
- Kensaku Wakuda, Shoji Kasahara, Yutaka Takahashi, Yoshinobu Kure, Eisaburo Itakura, “A Packet Scheduling Algorithm for Max-Min Fairness in Multihop Wireless LANs,” Computer Communications,vol.32, nos. 13-14, pp.1437-1444(2009)
- Nelson Hernandez-Cons, Shoji Kasahara, and Yutaka Takahashi, “Dynamic Hello/Timeout timer adjustment in routing protocols for reducing overhead in MANETs,” Computer Communications, vol.33, pp.1864-1878(2010)
- Tomoya Tainaka, Hiroyuki Masuyama, Shoji Kasahara and Yutaka Takahashi, “Performance Analysis of Burst Transmission Mechanism for IEEE 802.11-Based Multi-Hop Wireless LANs,” IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications, vol.10, no.9, pp.2908-2917, September (2011)
- Tuan Phung-Duc, Hiroyuki Masuyama, Shoji Kasahara and Yutaka Takahashi, “A Matrix Continued Fraction Approach to Multiserver Retrial Queues,” Annals of Operations Research, vol.202, no.1, pp.161-183 (2013)
- Keiichi Endo, Yusuke Inoue, and Yutaka Takahashi, “Performance Modeling of Beaconless Forwarding Strategies in Multi-hop Wireless Networks,” Computer Communications, vol.35, no.1, pp.120-128 (2012)
- Tatsuaki Kimura, Hiroyuki Masuyama, and Yutaka Takahashi, “Heavy-traffic asymptotics for stationary GI/G/1-type Markov chains,” Operations Research Letters, vol.40, pp.185-189 (2012)
- Tatsuaki Kimura, Hiroyuki Masuyama and Yutaka Takahashi, “Subexponential Asymptotics of the Stationary Distributions of GI/G/1-Type Markov Chains,” Stochastic Models, vol.29, no.2, pp.190-239(2013)
- Tuan Phung-Duc, Hiroyuki Masuyama, Shoji Kasahara and Yutaka Takahashi, “A Matrix Continued Fraction Approach to Multiserver Retrial Queues,” Annals of Operations Research, vol.202, pp.161-183(2013)
- T. Yazane, H. Masuyama, S. Kasahara, and Y. Takahashi, “Effect of Network-Coding Overhead on End-to-End Throughput for Multihop Wireless Networks,” Performance Evaluation, vol.70, pp.14-27(2013)
- Tuan Phung-Duc, Wouter Rogiest, Yutaka Takahashi, Herwig Bruneel, “Retrial queues with balanced call blending: analysis of single-server and multiserver model,” Annals of Operations Research, published online: 26 April (2014)
- Tuan Phung-Duc, Wouter Rogiest, Yutaka Takahashi, Herwig Bruneel, “Retrial queues with balanced call blending: analysis of single-server and multiserver model,” Annals of Operations Research, 239, pp.429-449(2016)
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