- (韓国)東国大学工学士,京都大学大学院博士課程修了(数理工学専攻),工学博士
- 京都コンピュータ学院洛北校校長
- (韓国)元サムスン電子株式会社戦略企画室情報戦略部長(CIO),元Harmony Navigation社代表取締役,前韓国情報保護振興院(KISA)諮問教授
- 一般社団法人 日本応用情報学会 代表理事,韓国CALS/EC協会専門委員,元済州特別自治道諮問官,済州知識産業振興院諮問委員,韓国電子取引学会終身会員第一号
- ウェブビジネス概論
- インターネットビジネスストラテジーとマーケティング
- オナーズマスター論文
- Hong Seung Ko: “Step by step Build up Strategy of Shopping Mall Site”,Seminar on Shopping Mall Site Build up and Management Techniques, Nov. 1999
- Hong Seung Ko: “The Practical Work for Driving e‐Business”,Small Business Training Institute, Sep. 2000
- Hong Seung Ko: “Business Plan on Japan-Korea e-Marketplace”,Meeting room of MRI, Mar. 2001
- Hong Seung Ko: “Bottleneck and Way of Overcome in Small Internet Shopping Site”,Seminar on the Excellent Case of Internet Shopping Mall and Successful Strategy, Nov. 2002
- Hong Seung Ko: “Early Realization of Ubiquitous Society with going ahead the u-Korea Conception; Part1”,JIJI Press, No.254, p.13, Nov. 2005
- Hong Seung Ko: “Early Realization of Ubiquitous Society with going ahead the u-Korea Conception; Part2”,JIJI Press, No.256, p.12, Dec. 2005
- T. Makino, R. Chiu, R. Adachi, T. Nakaguchi and Hong Seung Ko: “A Strategic Royal Marketing Model on e-Business as a new generation marketing model”,IFORS, Jul. 11-15 2005, Honolulu, Hawaii USA
- Takeshi Makino, Ryan Chiu, Ryota Adachi, Takao Nakaguchi, Hong Seung Ko: “A Strategic Royal Marketing Model on e-Business as a new generation marketing model”, NAIS Journal Vol.1, 2005
- Hong Seung Ko, Kyoung Sik Min: “Overseas Mobile Trends-The Republic of Korea”, White paper on Mobile Society 2006, pp.262-267, NTT, Jul. 2006
- Development of proxy server for protecting privacy by distributing information, Shozo Naito, Hong Seung Ko, Makoto Hirose and Takao Nakaguchi, Presented at euroXXI 2006; 21st European Conference on Operational Research, Reykjavik, Island, Jul. 2-5 2006
- Strategic Customer Relationship Marketing Model for Retaining Customers on e-Business, Yuu Hi Sai, Ken Niho, Tomoko Shikama, Kazu Iwasaki and Hong Seung Ko, Presented at IMFORMS International Puerto Rico, Jul. 8-11 2007
- プライバシ保護の一手法の提案,神垣智一,饗場繁,藤田和也,山下泰芳,宮本慎,中口孝雄,広瀬誠,高弘昇,内藤昭三,NAIS Journal Vol.2,2007
- 戦略的なプロモーションとしてのおまけマーケティングモデルの展開,田中浩一,田端剛久,前西宏樹,桂義幸,高弘昇,NAIS Journal Vol.4,2008
- Verification of the effectiveness of the strategic Customer Relationship Marketing Model by the validity analysis, Yuu Hi Sai, Ken Niho, Tomoko Shikama and Hong Seung Ko, Presented at IMFORMS Annual Meeting Washington D.C. 2008
- Verification of the reliability and the validity on the appraisal criteria for evaluating e-Customer, Haruki Takada, Atsushi Kimura, Nguyen Truc Thi Thanh and Hong Seung Ko, Presented at IMFORMS Annual Meeting San Diego, 2009
- The Strategic e-Customer Relationship Marketing Model for retaining customers on online, Hong Seung Ko, Tomoko Shikama, NAIS Journal Vol.7, 2012
- The seven steps of an e-customer behavior process model, Hong Seung Ko, Haruki Takada, Atsushi Kimura, Nguyen Truc Thi Thanh, NAIS Journal Vol.8, 2013
- オンライン口込みの手段に関する分析,徐ゼン陽,劉榕,高弘昇,NAIS Journal Vol.8,2013
- コウホート分析におけるeカスタマー購買行動パターンモデルの検証,呉凡,高雲龍,盧佳,高弘昇,NAIS Journal Vol.9,2014
- Purchasing behavior pattern model of an e-customer, Hong Seung Ko, Takeshi Teramoto, Masashi Nakagawa, Megumi Hiramoto, Liu Shasha, NAIS Journal Vol.9, 2014
- RFM分析における評価要素の重要度分析,王于佳,高弘昇,NAIS Journal Vol.10,2015
- 多属性態度モデルによる茶飲料製品改良分析,王興坤,高弘昇,NAIS Journal Vol.10,2015
- パルモア型コホート分析によるプロモーション手段の分析,屈径,竹内聡,高弘昇,NAIS Journal Vol.10,2015