- 早稲田大学理学士,同大学院修士課程修了(数学専攻),博士(工学)
- 元八戸工業大学大学院システム情報工学科教授,元NTT横須賀電気通信研究所勤務,元NTT情報流通プラットフォーム研究所勤務
- 機械学習
- アルゴリズム概論
- 情報学(ソフトコンピューティング),ソフトウェア工学
- Ryouei Takahashi, Empirical Evaluation of Changing Crossover Operators to Solve Function Optimization Problems, Proceedings of the 2016 IEEE Symposium Series on Computational Intelligence(IEEE SSCI 2016) , pp.1-10, DOI: 10.1109/SSCI.2016.7850141, 2016
- Ryouei Takahashi, Verification of Thermo-dynamical Genetic Algorithm to Solve the Function Optimization Problem through Diversity Measurement, Proceedings of the 2016 IEEE Congress on Evolutionary Computation (IEEE CEC 2016) , pp.168-177, DOI: 10.1109/CEC.2016.7743792, 2016
- Ryouei Takahashi, Quantitative Evaluation of Iterative Extended Changing Crossover Operators to Solve the Traveling Salesman Problem, Proceedings of 2014 10th International Conference on Natural Computation (ICNC) , pp.235-244, IEEE, 2014
- Ryouei Takahashi, Solving the Traveling Salesman Problem through Iterative Extended Changing Crossover Operators, Proceedings of Tenth International Conference on Machine Learning and Applications, pp.253-258, IEEE Man, Machine and Cybernetics Society, 2011
- Ryouei Takahashi, Extended Changing Crossover Operators to Solve the Traveling Salesman Problem, Electronics and Communications in Japan, Vol.93, NO. 7, pp.1-16, 2010
- Ryouei Takahashi, A Hybrid Method of Genetic Algorithms and Ant Colony Optimization to Solve the Traveling Salesman Problem, Proceedings of Eighth International Conference on Machine Learning and Applications, pp.81-88, IEEE Man, Machine and Cybernetics Society, 2009
- 髙橋 良英,拡張遺伝子交叉オペレータ交代法による巡回セールスマン問題の解法,電気学会,Vol.128, No.12, Sec. C., pp.1820-1832, 2008
- Ryouei Takahashi, A Methodology of Extended Changing Crossover Operators to Solve the Traveling Salesman Problem, The 4th International Conference on Natural Computation (ICNC'08) and The 5th International Conference on Fuzzy Systems and Knowledge Discovery (FSKD'08) , pp.263-269, IEEE, 2008
- Ryouei Takahashi, A Performance Improvement of Solving the Traveling Salesman Problem through Uniting Changing Crossover Operators to Ant Colony Optimization, ” Advance in Natural Computation and Data Mining, Proceedings the 2nd International Conference on Natural Computation and the 3rd International Conference on Fuzzy Systems and Knowledge Discovery, pp.114-130, Xi’an University, 2006
- Ryouei Takahashi and Kenichi Degai, A Performance Improvement of Genetic Algorithms through Changing Crossover Operators to Solve the Traveling Salesman Problem , Proceedings of the 8th International Conference on Computer and Information Technology, pp.40-45, organized by Islamic University of Technology, 2005
- Ryouei Takahashi, Solving the Traveling Salesman Problem through Genetic Algorithms with Changing Crossover Operators , Proceedings of Fourth International Conference on Machine Learning and Applications, pp.319-324, IEEE Computer Society, 2005
- Ryouei Takahashi, Solving the Traveling Salesman Problem through Changing Crossover Operators , Proceedings of the 10th Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Applications, p.42, hosted by National University of Kaohsiung, 2005
- Ryouei Takahashi, Yukihiro Nakamura, Yoichi Muraoka, Satoru Ikehara, Empirical Validation of Project-Independency of Quantitative Relationship between Program Fault Density and Complexity Metrics, The Seventh IEEE Workshop on Empirical Studies of Software Maintenance, WESS2001, pp.101-106, Florence, Italy, IEEE Computer Society, 2001
- 髙橋 良英,ソフトウェア品質を評価する複雑さのメトリックスのプロジェクト非依存性の検証,電子情報通信学会論文誌(D-Ⅰ) , Vol.J84 D-Ⅰ, NO.7, pp.1030-1044 , 2001.
- 髙橋 良英,C言語ソフトウェア保守工程におけるHalsteadのソフトウェアサイエンス計測と障害密度との関係の分析,電子情報通信学会論文誌 (D-Ⅰ) , Vol.J82 D-Ⅰ, No.8, pp.1017-1034, 1999
- Ryouei Takahashi, Complexity Measured Using Halstead's Software Science in the Software Maintenance Phase and Analysis of Its Impact on Fault Density, Proc. 4th Int. Conf. Achieving Quality in Software, AQUIS'98, pp.185-194, Venice, Italy, IEI-CNR and QUALITAL , 1998
- 髙橋 良英,村岡 洋一,中村 行宏,ソフトウェア品質分類木の生成・評価方法,電子情報通信学会論文誌 (D-Ⅰ) , Vol.J81-D-Ⅰ, No.4, pp.393-404, 1998
- Ryouei Takahashi, Yoichi Muraoka, Yukihiro Nakamura, Building Software Quality Classification Trees: Approach, Experimentation, Evaluation, Proc. Eighth Int. Symp. Software Reliability Engineering, ISSRE'97, pp.222-233, Albuquerque, New Mexico, IEEE Computer Society, 1997
- Ryouei Takahashi, Software Quality Classification Model Based on McCabe's Complexity Measure, J. Systems and Software, vol.38, pp.61-69, 1997
- 髙橋 良英,中村 行宏,流用率と流用部・改造部間のインタフェ-スの複雑さによるソフトウェア保守品質評価方法,電子情報通信学会論文誌 (D-Ⅰ) , Vol.J80-D-Ⅰ, No.5, pp.441-449, 1997
- Ryouei Takahashi, Yukihiro Nakamura, The Effect of Interface Complexity on Program Error Density, Proc. Int. Conf. Software Maintenance, ICSM'96, pp.77-86, Monterey, California, IEEE Computer Society, 1996.11
- 髙橋 良英,モジュ-ル相互間の関係複雑度に基づくソフトウェア品質評価モデル: ネストによる例題,電子情報通信学会論文誌 (D-Ⅰ) , Vol.J79-D-Ⅰ, No.5, pp.261-270, 1996.5
- Ryouei Takahashi, Software Quality Classification Model Based on McCabe's Complexity Measure, Proc. Third Int. Conf. Achieving Quality in Software, AQUIS’96, pp.189-200, Florence, Italy, IFIP* (International Federation for Information Processing) , 1996
- Ryouei Takahashi, Hirofumi Wakayama, Discriminative Efficiency Methodology for Validating Software Quality Classification Models, Systems and Computers in Japan, vol.26, no.5, pp.1-18, 1995
- 髙橋 良英,若山 博文,判別効率によるソフトウェア品質判別モデルの評価方法,電子情報通信学会論文誌 (D-Ⅰ) , vol.J77-D-Ⅰ, no.10, pp.663-673, 1994
- Hirofumi Wakayama, Ryouei Takahashi, A Software Development Cost Estimation Method Based on Software Classification, Proc. 3rd Int. Conf. Software Quality, 3ICSQ, pp.207-214, the Hyatt Lake Tahoe, Nevada, ASQC (American Society of Quality control) , 1993.10
- 髙橋 良英,若山 博文,母体からの影響を考慮したソフトウェアコスト見積もりモデルのAICによる構築,電子情報通信学会論文誌 (D-Ⅰ) , Vol.J76-D-Ⅰ, No.2, pp.72-79, 1993
- Ryouei Takahashi, A Methodology of Generating the Optimum Software Quality Classification Tree by Using Genetic Algorithms, WESS2004, Ninth IEEE Workshop on Empirical Studies of Software Maintenance, Sep-17, 2004, Chicago, Illinois, 2004
- 基盤研究(C) (一般)課題番号:15K00347, 補助期間:平成27年度〜平成31年度,研究課題名 [遺伝的アルゴリズムにおける集団の多様性の測定と淘汰戦略への応用手法の研究]