- (旧ソ連)トビリシ州立大学卒,同大学院修士課程修了,Master of Science,(米国)コロンビア大学教育大学院修士課程修了,Master of Arts,同博士課程修了,Doctor of Education,Ph.D.
- パデュー大学客員研究員,元コロンビア大学教育大学院遠隔教育国際プロジェクトコーディネーター
- eラーニングビジネスにおけるインストラクショナル・デザイン
- オナーズマスター論文
Academic Papers
- “The Role of Associative Experiment in Teaching Languages”,Master of Science, Thesis, Tbilisi State Pedagogical University, Georgia, 1983
- “Revealing of Words Associative Links as a Tool for Teaching Students the foreign languages”, Tbilisi: University Press, 1987
- “The Gifted Child”,Tbilisi: Informatica, 1993
- “Development of Learner's Creative Abilities” Paper presented at Conference “Tradition and Reformist Pedagogy in Georgia”, Tbilisi: Georgia, 1996
- “Theory and Practice of Teaching: Training and Assessment Strategies”, Tbilisi: Pedagogica, 1999
- “Leadership and Georgian Women”, Tbilisi: Mecniereba, 1999
- “Learning Through Archetypal Symbolic Images: The Role of Fairy Tales, Myths, and Arts”, Ed.D. Thesis, Teachers College, Columbia University, 2002
Presentations and Articles
- “Gifted Education”, Purdue University, 1994
- “Development of Learner's Creative Abilities”, Tbilisi State Pedagogical University, 1996
- “East-West:Educational Reforms”, Stuttgart University, Germany, 1997
- “Higher Education Reformation in the Post-Soviet Era”, The Open Society Institute, 1997
- “The Role of Higher Education Administration in the Newly Independent Countries”, Teachers College, Columbia University, 1997
- “Computers in Education: Myth and Reality”, Teachers College, Columbia University, 1998
- “E-learning and Adult Education”, Teachers College, Columbia University,1998
- “21 Century University”, Teachers College, Columbia University, 1998
- “E-Learning in East European Countries”, Teachers College, Columbia University, 2002
- “E-learning Instructional Design”, Teachers College, Columbia University, 2002
- “Website Development and Design for E-learning”, Teachers College, Columbia University, 2003
- “Blackboard for E-Learners, Instructors, and Administrators”, Teachers College, Columbia University/The Open Society Institute, Budapest, 2003
- “Blackboard for E-Learners: Problems and Solutions”, Teachers College, Columbia University, 2003