- 大阪大学工学学士,大阪大学硕士,(美国)约翰·霍普金斯大学工程科学硕士,大阪大学工学博士
- 京都大学名誉教授,南山大学数理信息学院前院长,日本运筹学会前会长,国际运筹学协会联盟(IFORS)前副会长,信息系统学会日本分部(NAIS)前部长
- 运筹学
- 系统工学
- 通信方式
- 道路交通控制
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- Computer Networking and Performance Evaluation, North-Holland, 1985
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- Local and Metropolitan Communication Systems, Vol.3, Chapman and Hall, Apr. 1996
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- 使用FET的三稳态电路,电子通信学会论文期刊,51-C巻,11号,Nov. 1968
- Analysis of Impact of Network Delay on Multiversion Conservative Timestamp Algorithms in DDBS, Performance Evaluation, Vol.26, Dec. 1996
- 遵循随机处理规则的门运算公式M[x]/G/1系统等待时间分析,Journal of the Operations Research Society of Japan,Vol.39,No.4,Dec. 1998
- “The Traffic-Control System on the Hanshin Expressway”, Interfaces, International Journal of the Institute for Operations Research and Management Sciences, Vol.36, No.1, Jan-Feb 1995
- “An OR/MS Approach to Managing Nanzan Gakuen (Nanzan Educational Complex): From the Strategic to the Daily Operational Level”, Interfaces, International Journal of the Institute for Operations Research and Management Sciences, Vol.36, No.1, Jan-Feb. 2006
- Accum | 都计算机学院校友会期刊