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米兰 弗拉齐

Milan Vlach


  • (前捷克斯洛伐克)查理大学毕业,(​​前苏联)罗蒙诺索夫大学毕业,完成查理大学研究生院博士学业,获得自然科学博士学位;完成查理大学数学专业博士学业,获得理学博士学位(捷克斯洛伐克科学院)
  • 北陆先端科学技术大学院大学前教授,查理大学教授




在讲座中,我希望学生提高批判性地对待事物、思考事物和逻辑分析事物的能力。 此外,我还希望营造一种可以轻松地交换意见的环境,让学习不仅可以学习事实,还可以加深理解。即使在运用计算机的环境中,具有纯粹思想的人类也比没有思考能力的计算机要优秀。正如罗素(B. Russell)所说,缺乏绝对信念是理性(合理性)的基本要素之一。



  • 博弈论与谈判技巧
  • 专业毕业设计


Recent publications

  • Fuzzy mathematical programming: a unified approach based on fuzzy relations. Fuzzy Optimization and Decision Making, Vol.1, pp.335-346, 2002. Coauthor: J. Ramik
  • Scheduling of parallel identical machine to maximize the weighted number of just-in-time jobs. Computers and Operations Research, Vol.29, pp.841-848, 2002. Coauthors: K. Hiraishi and E. Levner
  • Pareto-optimality of compromise decisions. Fuzzy sets and Systems, Vol.129, pp.119-127, 2002. Coauthor: Jaroslav Ramik
  • Generalized Concavity in Fuzzy Optimization and Decision Analysis. Kluwer Academic Publishers, p. 296, 2002. Coauthor: J. Ramik
  • Concepts of generalized concavity based on triangular norms. Journal of Statistics & Management Systems, Vol.5, pp.87-106, 2002. Coauthor: J. Ramik
  • Makespan minimization in projects with threshold activities. Asia-Pacific Journal of Operational Research, Vol.19, pp.195-204, 2002. Coauthors: E. Levner and Shao Chin Sung
  • Nonpreemtive flowshop scheduling with machine dominance. European Journal of Operational Research, Vol.139, pp.245-261, 2002. Coauthors: O. Cepek and M. Okada
  • Satisficing solutions and duality in interval and fuzzy linear programming. Fuzzy Sets and Systems, Vol.135, pp.151-177, 2002. Coauthors: M. Inuiguchi, J. Ramik and T. Tanino
  • Successive approximation method for nonlinear optimal control problems with application to a container crane problem. J. Optimal Control Applications and Methods, Vol.23, pp.275-288, 2002. Coauthor: Hussein Jaddu
  • Alternative model of fuzzy NTU coalitional game. Kybernetika, Vol.39, pp.265-274, 2003. Coauthor: Milan Mares
  • Single machine scheduling to minimize the number of late jobs under uncertainty. Fuzzy Sets and Systems, Vol.139, pp.421-430, 2003. Coauthor: Shao Chin Sung
  • Competitive envy-free division. Social Choice and Welfare, Vol.23, pp.103-111, 2004. Coauthor: Shao Chin Sung
  • Aggregation of generalized quasiconcave functions in optimization. Central European Journal of Operations Research, Vol.12, pp.35-45, 2004. Coauthor: J. Ramik
  • Fuzzy classes of cooperative games with transferable utility. Scientiae Mathematicae Japonicae, Vol.60, pp.269-278, 2004
  • Coauthor: M. Mares
  • Fuzzy approximations to an infeasible generalized linear complementarity problem. Fuzzy Sets and Systems, Vol.146 (2) , pp.221-232, 2004. Coauthors: P. Gupta and D. Bhatia
  • A non-controversial definition of fuzzy sets. In “Lecture Notes in Computer Science”, Vol.3135, pp.201-207; Editors: Peters, J. F.; Skowron, A.; Dubois, D.; Grzymala-Busse, J.; Inuiguchi, M.; Polkowski, L.; Springer, 2005 Coauthor: Jaroslav Ramik
  • Fair division procedures. Systems, Control and Information, Vol.49, pp.96-101, 2005
  • Weak and strong machine dominance in a nonpreemptive flowshop. Scientiae Mathematicae Japonicae, Vol.61, pp.319-333, 2005; e2004, pp.361-375. Coauthors: P. Cap and O. Cepek
  • Maximizing weighted number of just-in-time jobs on unrelated parallel machines. Journal of Scheduling, Vol.8, pp.453-460, 2005. Coauthor: Shao Chin Sung
  • Fuzzy Coalitional Structures. Mathware & Soft Computig, XIII, pp.59-70, 2006. Coauthor: M. Mares