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彼得 安德森

Peter G. Anderson


  • (美国)麻省理工学院毕业,获得该校研究生院博士学位(数学专业),Ph.D.
  • RCA计算机开发部前高级工程师,(美国)罗切斯特理工学院计算机科学系名誉教授/计算机技术研究所首席研究员
  • IJCR编辑委员






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  • 数据挖掘基础理论



  • “Cobordism Classes of Squares of Orientable Manifolds”, Bulletin of the American Mathematical Society Vol.70, No.6, pp.818-819, 1964
  • “Cobordism Classes of Squares of Orientable Manifolds”, Annals of Mathematics Vol.83, No.1, pp.47-53, 1966
  • “A Generalization of Baudet's Conjecture (Van der Waerden's Theorem) ”, American Mathematical Monthly Vol.83, No.5, pp.359-361, 1976
  • “Another Proof of the Theorem on Pattern Reproduction in Tessellation Structures”, Journal of Computer and System Sciences Vol.12, No.3, pp.394-398, 1976
  • “On the Formula pi = 2 SUM arcot f[2k+1]”, The Fibonacci Quarterly Vol.16, No.2, pp.118, 1978
  • “Redundancy Techniques for Software Quality”, Proceedings of the 1978 Annual Reliability and Maintainability Symposium, 1978
  • “Fibonacene”, Fibonacci Numbers with Applications, Proceedings of the 1984 Conference of the Fibonacci Association, D. Reidel Publishing Company, 1985
  • “Multidimensional golden means”, Presented at the Fifth International Conference on Fibonacci Numbers and their Applications,Summer, 1992. Published in: Applications of Fibonacci Numbers Vol.5, G. Bergum, N. A. Philippou, A. F. Horodam, ed., Kluwer, pp.1-10, 1993
  • "Fast Rendering”, Computer Language, pp.40-48, 1993
  • “Linear Pixel Shuffling for Image Processing, an Introduction”, The Journal of Electronic Imaging, pp.147-154, 1993
  • “Linear pixel shuffling applications”, Proceedings of the 47th Annular Conference of the Society for Imaging Science and Technology, pp.506-508, 1994. Reprinted in Recent Progress in Digital Halftoning, Reiner Eschbach, ed., The Soc. for Imag. Sci. and Tech., 1995
  • “An algebraic mask for halftone dithering”, Proceedings of the 47th Annular Conference of the Society for Imaging Science and Technology, pp.487-489, 1994. Reprinted in Recent Progress in Digital Halftoning, Reiner Eschbach, ed., The Soc. for Imag. Sci. and Tech., 1995
  • “Advances in Linear Pixel Shuffling”, Proceedings of the 1994 International Conference on Fibonacci Numbers and their applications, 1994
  • “Using the J Language for NN and GA Experiments”, in Proceedings of the International ICSC Symposium on Intelligent Industrial Automation (IIA'96) and Soft Computing (SOCO'96) , March 26-28, Reading,U.K., ICSC Academic Press, ISBN 3-906454-01-0, 1996
  • “Training Wheels for Encoder Networks”, in Proceedings of the International ICSC Symposium on Intelligent Industrial Automation (IIA'96) and Soft Computing (SOCO'96) , March 26-28, Reading,U.K., ICSC Academic Press, ISBN 3-906454-01-0, 1996
  • “The Unit RBF Network: Experiments and Preliminary Results”, Cybernetics and Systems, an International Journal, 2002
  • “Ordered greed”, Proceedings of the ICSC Conference on Soft Computing (SOCO'99), Genoa, Italy, 1999
  • “The Unit RBF Network: Experiments and Preliminary Results”, Neural Computing 98, Vienna, 1998
  • “Linear pixel shuffling error diffusion”, Proceedings of the Imaging Science and Technology conference, PICS 2000, Portland, Oregon, 2000
  • “The Unit RBF Network: Experiments and Preliminary Results”, Cybernetics and Systems, an International Journal, 2002
  • “A Genetic Algorithm Search for Improved Halftone Masks”, with Jonathan S. Arney, Samuel A. Inverso, Daniel R. Kunkle, Timothy M. Lebo, and Chadd Merrigan, in Artificial Neural Networks in Engineering (ANNIE) , 2003
  • “Compressible Halftones”, with Changmeng Liu, Proceedings of The SPIE/IS&T Symposium on Electronic Imaging, Santa Clara, CA, 2003