- (美国)麻省理工大学,Bachelor of Science,同大学硕士课程修了,Master of Science,同大学博士课程修了(电气、计算机工学专业),Ph.D.
- (美国)伊利诺伊大学教授,(新加坡)高级数字科学中心调研员,原伊利诺伊大学副教授,原加州大学洛杉矶分校博士后研究员, 原麻省理工大学研究生院研究助理,原富士通研究所技术员,(美国)原摩托罗拉公司研究技术实习生
- 应用信息学前沿
- Professor Hasegawa-Johnson is an expert in speech and natural language processing. More broadly, he tracks and reports on developments in all fields of artificial intelligence
Professor Hasegawa-Johnson is author or co-author of 58 published journal articles and book chapters, 188 peer-reviewed conference and workshop papers, and 50 published abstracts.
His most heavily cited publications according to google scholar are
- Brain anatomy differences in childhood stuttering
SE Chang, KI Erickson, NG Ambrose, MA Hasegawa-Johnson, ...
Neuroimage 39 (3), 1333-1344 - Singing-voice separation from monaural recordings using robust principal component analysis
PS Huang, SD Chen, P Smaragdis, M Hasegawa-Johnson
Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing (ICASSP), 2012 IEEE International ... - Regression from patch-kernel
S Yan, X Zhou, M Liu, M Hasegawa-Johnson, TS Huang
Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition, 2008. CVPR 2008. IEEE Conference on ... - AVICAR: audio-visual speech corpus in a car environment.
B Lee, M Hasegawa-Johnson, C Goudeseune, S Kamdar, S Borys, M Liu, ...
INTERSPEECH, 2489-2492 - Articulatory feature-based methods for acoustic and audio-visual speech recognition: Summary from the 2006 JHU summer workshop
K Livescu, O Cetin, M Hasegawa-Johnson, S King, C Bartels, N Borges, ...
Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing, 2007. ICASSP 2007. IEEE