- 名古屋工业大学工学部情报工学专业毕业
- 鸟取大学大学院工学研究科博士后期课程结业(社会基盘工学专业),博士(工学)
- 原日本电气株式会社主席职务,首席软件程序&品质专业
- 数据库特论
- 项目基础演习
- 软件工程
- 软件质量保证
- 软件工程
- 计算机系统
- 誉田直美,佐藤孝司,仓下亮,森岳志,“软件品质判定方法~从计划到出货判定的审查和技术~”,日科技联出版,pp.41-170019年8月
- AI产品质量保证协会自动运转技术团队,“AI产品质量保证指南(2019.05版)”,AI产品质量保证财团(QA4AI财团),pp.19-1462019年5月
- 佐藤孝司,ε3200;π伸子,橘克一,下村哲司,“亚洲开发的磨砂方法的定量管理的导入事例”,日本信赖性学会杂志,Vol.41 No.1,pp.9-17219年1月
- T.Sato and S.Yamada, “Application of Software Factory to Advanced Software Quality Management”, Asia-Pacific Journal of Industrial Management, Vol. VI, Issue 1, pp.30-38, March 2017.
- 佐藤孝司,山田茂,“基于品质图的软件分析手法的提案”,项目管理学会杂志,Vol.18,No.5pp.35-402016年10月
- T.Sato and S.Yamada, “Analysis of Process Factors Affecting Software Quality based on Design Review Record and Product Metrics”, International Journal of Reliability Quality and Safety Engineering, Vol.23, No.4, pp.1650011.1-1650011.11, July 2016.
- T.Sato and S.Yamada, “Qualitative Analysis of Process Factors Affecting Software Quality Based on Design Review Record”, Proceedings of the 9th Japan-Korea Software Management Symposium, pp.36-41, November 2016.
- T.Sato and S.Yamada, “Software Quality Management Based on Process and Product Metrics Analysis with Software Factory”, Proceedings of the 13th International Conference on Industrial Management (ICIM2016), pp.332-339, September 2016.
- 佐藤孝司,山田茂,“对软件可靠性产生影响的设计评论记录的质量因素分析”,项目管理学会2016年秋季研究发表大会预稿集,pp.189-1942016年9月
- T.Sato and S.Yamada, “Qualitative Quality Analysis of Process Factors Based on Software Design Review Record Affecting Software Reliability”, Proceedings of the 22nd ISSAT International Conference on Reliability and Quality in Design (ISSAT/RQD2016), pp.117-121, August 2016.
- T.Sato and S.Yamada, “Software Quality Analysis Practice and Verification based on QUALITY MAP System”, Proceedings of the 9th International Conference on Project Management (ProMAC2015), pp.380-386, October 2015.
- T.Sato, “Quality Improvement Practice and Software Quality Analysis based on the QUALITY MAP System”, Proceedings of the 8th Japan-Korea Software Management Symposium -Trends in Management Technologies and Human Resource Development-, Keynote-Speech, pp.7-20, November 2015.
- 佐藤孝司,山田茂,“基于品质图的软件质量分析手法的提案”,项目管理学会2015年秋季研究发表大会预稿集,pp.487-4922015年10月
- 佐藤孝司,“NEC提高软件质量的措施”,日本科学技术联盟品质论坛2014报文集,pp.76-812014年11月
- T.Sato, “Quality Improvement using the QUALITY MAP Technique”, Proceedings of the 6th World Congress for Software Quality(6WCSQ), CD-R, 12pp., July 2013.
- T.Sato, T.Mano and T.Takasu, “Comprehensive Evaluation for Quality, Productivity, and Delivery of Software Development Products”, Proceedings of the 1st World Congress for Software Quality(1WCSQ), 10pp., July 1995
- 独立行政法人信息处理推进机构国际标准推进中心评价模型工作组内OSS评价手法及OSS活用指南研讨会委员,2010-2013;
- AI产品质量保证协会运营委员兼原自动驾驶技术团队领导,2018-
- 日本科学技术联盟SQiP软件质量保证部长的会企划委员,2009