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向井 正

Tadashi Mukai


  • 京都大学理学士,同研究生院硕士课程、博士课程修了(物理学第 2 专业),理学博士
  • 原金泽工业大学 研究生院教授,原神户大学 研究生院教授,原文部省宇宙科学研究所客座教授,原神户大学大学院理学研究科行星科学研究中心主任
  • 神户大学名誉教授,日本天文学会特别会员(原分部理事),日本行星学会会员(原会长),兵库县立大学自然 / 环境科学研究所天文科学中心运营委员会会长





  • 数据挖掘基础理论


  • 行星科学



  • Fractal Aggre-gate analogues for near solar dust properties, Astron. Astrophys. 291
  • On the evolution of dust in the solar vicinity, Adv. Space Res. 16
  • Sublimation of Interplanetary Dust, Astron. Soc. of the Pacific Con. Ser. 104 及其他1篇
  • Polarimetric observations of 4179 Toutatis in 1992/1993, Icarus, 127
  • Observations of Mars and its satellites by the Mars Imaging Camera (MIC) on Planet-B, Earth, Planets and Space 50 及其他1篇
  • First Detection of Visible Zodiacal Dust Bands from the Ground-based Observations, Ap. J. 511
  • Subaru Infrared Spectroscopy of the Pluto-Charon System, Publ. Astron. Soc. Japan 52
  • Observations of polarization and brightness variations with the rotation for asteroids 9 Metis, 52 Europa and 1036 Ganymed, Icarus 146
  • Detection of mass, shape and surface roughness of target asteroid of MUSES-C by LIDAR, Adv. Space Res. 29
  • First detection of an optical dust trails along the orbit of 22P/Kopff, Ap. J. Letters 572
  • The influence of the brightness of the asteroidal dust bands on the Gegenschein, Icarus 162
  • Small Bodies and Dust in the Outer Solar System, Adv. Space Res. 34/1
  • The rubble-pile asteroid Itokawa as observed by Hayabusa, Science 312 及其他2篇
  • An overview of the LIDAR observations of asteroid 25143 Itokawa, Adv. Space Res. 40
  • An outer planet beyond Pluto and origin of the trans-Neptunian belt architecture, Astron. J., 135
  • Small-scale topography of 25143 Itokawa from the Hayabusa laser altimeter, Icarus 198
  • High-Resolution Spectroscopy of T Tauri Stars, Publ. Astron. Soc. Japan 61
  • Simultaneous Photometric and Polarimetric Observations of Asteroid 3 Juno, Astronom. J.138
  • Origin and dynamical evolution of Neptune Trojans - I. Formation and planetary migration, MNRAS 398
  • Models for the origin of the Quadrantids, Earth Moon and Planets, 106
  • Formation and Dynamical Evolution of the Neptune Trojans? the Influence of the Initial Solar System Architecture, MNRAS 404
  • Brightness map of the zodiacal emission from the AKARI IRC all-sky survey, A&A 523
  • Origin and Dynamical Evolution of Neptune Trojans? II: Long Term Evolution, MNRAS 412
  • Dusty Plasma Effects in Near Earth Space and Interplanetary Medium, Space Science Reviews 161
  • Accum | 都计算机学院校友会期刊



  • 冥王星型冰天体及其起源,科学 77(2)
  • 小行星碰撞,科学 78(4)
  • “新行星假说”的诞生,科学 78(9)
  • 登场!新行星假说,流体 27
  • 系外缘的新天体? 参数空间预测了什么,Parity 24(2)



  • “行星的素颜” 朝仓书店,2001
  • “Physical Processes on Interplanetary Dust Springer”, 2001
  • “邀请天文学” 朝仓书店,2001
  • “人类生活的宇宙” 日本评论社,2007
  • “太阳系存在未知行星X” 讲谈社,2008
