- B.S. , Master and Doctoral Course, Kyoto University (Major in Astrophysics), Doctor of Science
- Former Professor, Graduate School of Engineering, Kanazawa Institute of Technology, Former Professor, Faculty of Science and Technology, Kinki University
- Member of Aerosol Society of Japan, Member of Remote Sensing Society of Japan (Councilor), Member of IEEE
Responsible Subject
- Environmental Information System
Field of Specialization
- Radiation simulation in the earth atmosphere model and remote sensing of atmospheric fine particles from the ground and satellites
Business Performance
- The Remote Sensing Society of Japan, won the Best Paper Award: "Global Distribution of Aerosol Characteristics Derived from POLDER Multidirectional Data" by Sonoyo Mukai, Itaru Sano, Journal of the Japan Remote Sensing Society, 20 (3), pp. 85 -93, 2000.
- The Scientific Award of Excellence 2011 in the field of Earth & Planetary Science: Recognized by The American Biographic Institute
- Atmospheric Environmental Impact of Aerosols (co-authorship), Kyoto University Press, 2007
- Atmosphere and Microparticles: Aerosols and the Global Environment (co-authorship), Kyoto University Press, 2008
- Kosa (co-authorship), Kokinshoin, 2009
7 other books in total
- Development of 3D Video Teaching Material Creation System: A Stereo Video Organization Tool, NAIS Journal Vol. 6, 2011, Co-authored
- Size distribution model of atmospheric aerosols, NAIS Journal Vol. 7, 2012, co-authored
- Relationship between AOT and PM based on multi-measurements and model simulations, Nais Journal Vol. 7, 2012, co-authored
- DEDICATION for Prof. Sueo UENO, Nais Journal Vol. 7, 2012, co-authored
- Ground and satellite-based measurements of aerosols during heavy haze events, Nais Journal Vol. 9, 2014, co-authored
- Air Quality, Nais Journal Vol. 10, 2015
- Accumu | Kyoto Computer Gakuin Alumni Association bulletin
In addition, approximately 150 books
External research funds received as representatives
- Grants-in-aid for scientific research: 10 projects
- Contract research grants (NASDA/JAXA): 4
- Academic Research Advancement Project of Private Universities (ORC): 1 project