- Master of Science(Applied Mathematics), Odessa I.I. Mechnikov National University, Doctor of Informatics, Kyoto University
- Former assistant, Department of Applied Mathematical science, Odessa I.I. Mechnikov National University, former Special Lecuturer Kyoto University, Part-time Lecturer Doshisha University, Part-time Lecturer Kansai University
Responsible Subject
- Fundamental Mathematics for Applied Informatics
- Statistics for IT
Field of Specialization
- Complex Dynamic Systems
- Numerical Analysis
- Mathematical Education
- Education Methods for Secondary School's Subjects (Mathematics)
- Japanese Studies
- Teaching Methods of Japanese as a Foreign Language
- Teaching Methods of Russian as a Foreign Language
- Theory of Interpretation and Translation
Business Performance
Peer-reviewed journal articles
Magazines in Russian
- Mygdalskyy V.I., & Reut V.V. "State of stress by box shell which relaxed by the crack, coming out into the edge." Mechanika Tverdogo Tela N2, 1996, pp.145-151, Moscow, Russia
- Mygdalskyy V.I., & Reut V.V. “Problem about an arbitrary orientation of crack in the box shell.” Prikladnaya Mechanika N12, V34, 1998, pp.48-53, Moscow, Russia
- Mygdalskyy V.I., & Reut V.V. "About problem of crack, near the edge of box shell." Odessa State University Herald, 1999, N3, pp.43-49, Odessa, Ukraine.
Magazines in English
- Migdalski V.I., & Reut V.V. "An Arbitrary Oriented Crack in the Box Shell" Operator Theory: Advances and Applications, Vol.117, pp.261-266, 2000 Basel/Switzerland
- Volodymyr Mygdalskyy & Isao Wakano. “Analysis of Stress Field of Box-like Shells with Cracks.” Proceedings of the Conference on Computational Engineering and Science, V7, No2, pp.461-464, 2002
Academic papers, International Conference Papers, etc.
Full text refereed international conference papers
- Mygdalskyy Volodymyr and co., "Analysis of Legal Terms for Foreign Residents in Japan - Regarding the Use of Identical Terms", Мовнi та концептуальнi картини свiту, випуск 27, 68-73 pp., KNU, Kiev, 2009
- Mygdalskyy Volodymyr and co., "An Analysis of the Translation of Idioms in Leonid Filatov's 'Fedot the Musketeer, a Brave Lad' ", Мовнi та концептуальнi картини свiту, випуск 27, 131-138 pp., KNU, Kiev, 2009
- Mygdalskyy Volodymyr and co., "How to teach idioms and proverbs formed from four-character phrases", Мовнi та концептуальнi картини свiту, випуск 28, 172-179 pp., KNU, Kiev, 2010
- Mygdalskyy Volodymyr and co., "An Analysis of Abbreviations in Modern Japanese", Мовнi та концептуальнi картини свiту, випуск 28, 138-141 pp., KNU, Kiev, 2010
- Mygdalskyy Volodymyr Mygdalskyy Volodymyr Мовнi та концептуальнi картини свiту, випуск 29, 88-91 pp., KNU, Kiev, 2012
Abstract-Refereed International Conference Paper
- Mygdalskyy Volodymyr and co, "To modern Japanese culture through idioms and proverbs", Materials of 3-rd All-Ukrainian conference “Ukraine-Oriental countries:from dialogs of educational systems up to dialogues of Cultures and Civilizations”, April 18-19, 2001, 199-206 pp., Kiev-2002
- Mygdalskyy Volodymyr and co, "With "heart" and "soul" as the basis of the philosophy of Shorinji Kempo", Materials of 4-th All-Ukrainian conference “Ukraine-Oriental countries in 21-th Century:dialogues of Languages/Cultures/Civilizations”, April 17-18, 2002, 62-67 pp., Kiev-2003
- Mygdalskyy Volodymyr and co., "The difference between Tokyo dialect and Osaka dialect", Materials of 4-th All-Ukrainian conference “Ukraine-Oriental countries in 21-th Century:dialogues of Languages/Cultures/Civilizations” April 17-18, 2002, 127-131 pp.
- Mygdalskyy Volodymyr and co., "On the creation of a series of teaching materials called 'Modern Japanese' ", “Серия учебно-методических пособий «Современный японский язык» и её использование на продвинутом этапе изучения японского языка. ”, Японский язык в вузе: актуальные проблемы преподавания. Материалы 7-ой научно-методической конференции «Методика обучения японскому языку»(март 2012 г.), 112 – 116 pp, Moscow 2012
- Mygdalskyy Volodymyr and co., "An Analysis of Abbreviations in Modern Japanese", “Сокращения в современном японском языке: сложности перевода новой лексики. ”, Анализ сокращений РЯКУГО в современном японском языке и методика их преподавания на старших курсах Материалы научно-методической конференции «Японская филология и методика преподавания японского языка в вузе» (март 2014 г.), 112 – 116 pp, Moscow 2014
With co-authors:
- Mygdalskyy Volodymyr and co., Modern Japanese: Onomatopoeia and Mimetic Words, Odessa,Astroprint, 2012 (ISBN 978-966-190-528-2)
- Mygdalskyy Volodymyr and co., Modern Japanese Idioms and Proverbs, , Odessa,Astroprint, 2012 (ISBN 978-966-190-529-9)
- Mygdalskyy Volodymyr and co., Modern Japanese four-character idioms, Odessa, Astroprint, 2012 (ISBN 978-966-190-530-5)
- Mygdalskyy Volodymyr and co., Modern Japanese Abbreviations, Odessa, Astroprint, 2013 (ISBN 978-966-190-755-2)
Single Authorship:
- Mygdalskyy Volodymyr, A glossary of modern Japanese, Russian, Japanese and English mathematical terms, Odessa, Astroprint, 2013 (ISBN 978-966-190-756-9)
Teaching materials:
- Mygdalskyy Volodymyr, Calculus, G-30 Kyoto University, 2013
- Mygdalskyy Volodymyr, Linear Algebra,G-30 Kyoto University, 2013
- Mygdalskyy Volodymyr, Dictionary of terminology for mathematical courses, G-30 Kyoto University, 2013
Conference Presentation
- "About mathematical terminology and mathematical expressions", The 4th All-Ukrainian International Open Symposium "Studies of Japanese Language and Literature in the Former Communist Bloc: Challenges and Prospects", 24 March, 2012, Kiev (Ukraine)
- “Numbers in Japanese idiomatical expressions consist of 4 characters",The 4th All-Ukrainian International Open Symposium "Japanese Language and Literature Studies in the Former Communist Bloc: Challenges and Prospects", 24 March, 2012, Kiev (Ukraine)
- On the creation of "the Modern Japanese series",Association of Teachers of Japanese Language Education in the Former Soviet Union,30 March,2012,Moscow University,Moscow(Russian Federation) 7-я научно-методическая конференция «Методика обучения японскому языку» (март 2012 г.) "
- "On Japanese Abbreviations", The 5th All-Ukrainian International Open Symposium "Studies of Japanese Language and Literature in the Former Communist Bloc: Challenges and Prospects" 25 March, 2013, Kiev (Ukraine)
- "An Analysis of Abbreviations in Modern Japanese",Анализ сокращений РЯКУГО в современном японском языке и методика их преподавания на старших курсах,Association of Teachers of Japanese Language Education in the Former Soviet Union,Moscow University,Moscow(Russian Federation)Научно-практическая конференция по методике преподавания японского языка в вузе,25 October,2013
- "The Present and Future of Mathematics Education in International Courses," The 39th Research Presentation of the National Association for Mathematics Education, 2014.02.01-02, Hiroshima University
- "The Role and Importance of Oral Tests in Mathematics Education," The 40th Research Presentation of the National Association for Mathematics Education, June 07-08, 2014, Osaka Kyoiku University
- "Interpreting Quotes: Unnecessary Words or Essential Ones?"Слова-паразиты(favorite phrase) при переводе: лишние слова или необходимость?,Association of Teachers of Japanese Language Education in the Former Soviet Union,Moscow University,Moscow(Russian Federation)Научно-практическая конференция по методике преподавания японского языка в вузе,24 October,2014
- "Katakana Words in Modern Japan: On the Comparison of Vocabulary for the Japanese Language Proficiency Test vs. Expressions in Elementary School Katakana",Катакана-го в Японии: о несоответствии лексики изучаемой японскими школьниками и иностранцами.,Association of Teachers of Japanese Language Education in the Former Soviet Union,Moscow University, Moscow(Russian Federation)Научно-практическая конференция по методике преподавания японского языка в вузе,24 October,2014
- The 39th Research Presentation of the National Association for Mathematics Education, 2014.02.01-02, "Present and Future of Mathematics Education in International Courses", 2014.02.01-02, Hiroshima University
- The 40th Research Presentation of the National Association for Mathematics Education, 2014.06.14-15, "The Role and Importance of Oral Tests in Mathematics Education", 2014.06.14-15, Osaka Kyoiku University
- The 46th Research Presentation of the National Association for Mathematics Education, 2017.06.25, "Subject Pedagogy by Lecturers of Other Nationalities: Tips for Teaching Mathematics to Junior High School Students in Japan", 2017.06.25, Shiga University of Education
Other research and social activities
- "Past and Future of Ukraine," Public lecture on the contemporary Ukrainian crisis and the situation in Ukraine, June 14, 2014, Japan Eurasian Society, Kyoto, Japan
- "Odessa, where I was born and grew up", public lecture, April 18, 2015, Japan-Ukraine Cultural Exchange Association, Osaka, Japan
- "What's good and what's bad about Japan," public lecture, June 24, 2017, JASS, Osaka City.
- "Tips for International Exchange: Find Common Ground," Public Lecture, December 16, 2017, Osaka City.
- Japanese Event Lecture No.1 "Buddhist Statues Learned in Russian", March 11, 2018, Public Lecture, Kansai Branch of Russian Interpreters Association, Osaka Branch of Japan Eurasian Association
- Japanese Event Lecture No.2 "Learning Japanese Martial Arts Culture in Russian", July 22, 2018, Public Lecture, Kansai Branch of Russian Interpreters Association, Osaka Branch of Japan Eurasian Association
- «20 лет спустя: японские реалии - взгляд изнутри глазами гида/переводчика» ("Twenty Years Later: Japanese Events from the Perspective of Interpreters/Guides"), public lecture, September 14, 2018, Osaka City.
- "The good and the bad of Japan through 20 years of living in Japan," public lecture, December 2, 2018, Osaka City.
- Погружение в японские реалии,Public Lecture, December 9, 2018, in Kyoto City
- Ликбез о Японии: 50 личностей в истории Японии,January 27, 2019, Public Lecture, Kyoto City
- Ликбез о Японии: 300 реалий японской жизни,February 11, 2019, Public Lecture, Kyoto City
- МИГ японской истории. Эпоха Хэйан в лицах,January 27, 2019, Public Lecture, Kyoto City
- "Ukraine" Lecture No. 1, "Украина: «Слуга народа» - В.А.Зеленский", Feb. 11, 2019, Public Lecture, Russian Interpreters Association Kansai Branch, Japan Eurasian Association Osaka Branch Classroom
Member of:
- The Mathematical Society of Japan
- Japan Academic Society of Mathematics Education
- Japan Association of Russian Interpreters
- Ukrainian Association of Japanese Language Teachers
- EAJS (European Association for Japanese Studies)
- Japanese Association for Russian Language Education
- Association of Japanese Language Teachers at CIS