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2022 Student Recruitment Guidelines

April / October Student Recruitment Guidelines

Application overview

Application procedure

Admission procedure

Scholarship Application Guidelines

Number of people to be admitted

Professional degree course (professional)

Graduate School
School of Applied Information Technology
Web Business Technology Program
Admission Quota
600 people ( total enrollment capacity for April and October)
* Total admission capacity for Kyoto and Sapporo, and Tokyo satellites.

Admission Policy

The information technology (ICT) field is an integrated field of information and management, and it covers complex and diverse areas. Demands of the industry has increased for human resources who can play an active role in this field. It is impossible to meet the diverse human resource supply needs of industry by relying upon conventional education system, which has solely entrusted engineering research graduate schools to create the next generation of IT (ICT) human resource development. For future industrial and economic development, it is necessary to develop human resources with diverse backgrounds as highly specialized professionals in the IT (ICT) field.

From this point of view, our policy is to accept students with as diverse backgrounds as possible.

  1. Persons who have basic academic ability to acquire specialized knowledge at the University are welcome.
  2. We are seeking people who are free from preconceived ideas and who have the will to learn new things, think for his/herself, and create.
  3. We are seeking people who are willing to work with others and solve problems through communication.

Application eligibility

Those who have satisfied any of the following, or those who are expected to satisfy any of the following, for April enrollment by the end of March 2022, and for October enrollment by the end of September 2022

  1. Persons who have graduated from a university prescribed in Article 83 of the School Education Act
  2. A person who has completed a program, which is designated by the Minister of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology from the post-secondary courses of a Specialized Training College under Japanese School Education Act., after the date set by the Minister of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology. The designation is limited to the 4+year programs which meet the criteria prescribed by the Minister of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology.
  3. Those who have been awarded a bachelor's degree pursuant to the provisions of Article 104, Paragraph 7 of the School Education Law
  4. Those who have completed 16 years of school education in a foreign country.
  5. Those who have completed 16 years of education under foreign country’s school system by taking distance learning courses while in Japan
  6. Person designated by the Minister of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology (Ministry of Education Notification No. 5 in 1964)
  7. Those who have entered other graduate schools according to the provisions of Article 102, Paragraph 2 of the School Education Law, and who have been recognized as having the academic ability to receive education at the University
  8. Those who are recognized by the university as having academic ability equal to or higher than those who have graduated from the university by individual admission qualification examination, and are at least 22 years old (April 1, 2022 for students enrolled in April, 2022 for students enrolled in October)
  9. Persons who have been enrolled in a university prescribed in Article 83 of the School Education Act for at least 3 years, who have completed 15 years of schooling in a foreign country, or who have completed 15 years of schooling in a foreign country by taking courses offered by a foreign school by distance education in Japan, and who are recognized by the University as having acquired the designated credits with excellent academic performance
  10. Others who have been recognized as having academic ability equivalent to or better than those who graduated from university
  • Those who fall under application qualifications 8, 9, 10 must undergo the pre-admission qualification screening in advance.
    Applicants who do not take the pre-admission qualification screening will not be accepted for consideration.
    Please view Admission Screening for details
  • Applicants with foreign nationality may be required to submit documents issued by the relevant diplomatic mission.

Admission schedule

[Students enrolled in April 2022]

Number of Intakes Application period Examination Date Announcement date Examination Venue
Kyoto Sapporo Tokyo
1st Intake July 1, 2021 (Thur) -
September 6, 2021 (Mon)
Saturday, September 11 September 17 (Friday)
2nd Intake September 7 , 2021(Tues)
- October 18, 2021 (Mon)
Saturday, October 23 October 29 (Fri)    
3rd Intake October 19 (Tues)
- Monday, November 29, 2021
December 4 (Sat) December 10 (Fri)
4th November 30, 2021 (Tues)
- January 24, 2022 (Mon)
January 30 (Sun) February 4 (Friday)    
5th Intake January 25, 2022 (Tues)
- February 28, 2022 (Mon)
March 6 (Sun) March 11 (Fri)
6th March 1, 2022 (Tues)
- March 21, 2022 (Mon)
March 26 (Sat) March 29 (Tues)    

[Students enrolled in October 2022]

Number of Intakes Application period Examination Date Announcement date Examination Venue
Kyoto Sapporo Tokyo
1st Intake May 2, 2022 (Mon)
- July 4, 2022 (Mon)
July 9 (Sat) July 15 (Fri)
2nd Intake July 5, 2022 (Tues)
- September 5, 2022 (Mon)
September 10 (Sat) September 15 (Thurs)

* Entrance examinations will be held at the venues marked with a circle.Please take the entrance examination at the campus where you wish to attend.

Entrance examination (General Entrance examination)

Document Screening
We will examine the application documents.
Interviews and oral examinations will be based on submitted application documents. Interview will focus on general areas of common sense and content related to the specialized field of the applicant.

* The time and venue of the interview will be notified when we mail the examination ID.* The admission ticket will be returned to the applicant the day after the cutoff day of each application period.

Admission selection (Special selection for working adults)

Document Screening
We will examine the application documents.
Interviews and oral examinations will be based on submitted application documents. Interview will focus on general areas of common sense and content related to the specialized field of the applicant.
Eligibility: In principle, applicants must have at least two years of practical experience at the time of admission.
Refer to the “Application Eligibility” section for other application qualifications.

* The time and venue of the interview will be notified when we mail the examination ID.* The admission ticket will be returned to the applicant the day after the cutoff day of each application period.

Admission selection (international student entrance examination)

Document Screening
We will examine the application documents.
Interviews and oral examinations will be based on submitted application documents. Interview will focus on general areas of common sense and content related to the specialized field of the applicant.

Application procedure

1. Applicants Entrance examination schedule Please send the application documents, etc. by registered mail to the following address within the application period (must arrive at the university by the end of the period).

Submit to
606 -8225
7 Tanaka Monzen-cho, Sakyo Ward, Kyoto City
Admission Center of The Kyoto College of Graduate School for Informatics (Admissions Office)

2. Changes to application documents will not be accepted after we receive them.

Application document.

※For details please refer to Request student recruitment requirements

1. Application form
Designated by the school/ Form A
2. Examination ID Form and Picture Form
Designated by the school/ Form F and G
3. Transcript
Officially issued by the graduated or attending university/equivalent school.
4. Certificate of Graduation (prospect), etc.
Certified by graduating university
* Persons who have been granted a degree from the Institution for Academic Degrees should submit a copy of their diploma or certificate of the degree granted.
5. Submit about 1,000 to 2,000 character essay of self-introduction and motivation for applying to our school
Please describe your past learning history, your motivation, your aspirations for studying after enrollment, and your desired career after completion.For details, see “About self-introduction, motivation for applying, and essays” in “Precautions for filling out application documents.”
6.Essay 2,000-4,000 characters
Please decide your own theme and write it in essay form.For details, see “About self-introduction, motivation for applying, and essays” in “Precautions for filling out application documents.”
7.Entrance fee: 30,000 yen
Bank transfer.For details, see “Transfer of Admission Fee” in “Precautions for filling out application documents.”
8.Postage for the result notification (800 yen)
9.Employment history resume (only for the candidates who apply for the working adults special selection)
If you are going to take the special screening for working adults, please submit your detailed work history.The style is open and up to candidate.
Ten.References (any)
Please submit reference materials (Documents proving national qualifications or foreign language proficiency, etc., documents showing special work experience, documents equivalent to work experience, published works, papers, letters of recommendation, etc.). These will be used as part of the application admission process.However, submission is optional.

* Applicants who have passed the screening of eligibility for admission need not submit 3, 4 and 10 in addition.

* Applicants with foreign nationality may be required to submit other documents.

* The KCG Group will carefully handle the personal information contained in the application forms, and will use them for (1) sending documents and confirming contact information, and (2) making judgement for selection at the time of admission.We will not use it for any other purpose.

Notification of results

Candidates will be notified in writing of the pass / fail results on the date of the announcement of the results of each recruitment.

Waiting list to fill the vacancy

At the time of the announcement of the result, there may also be the announcement of the candidates on the waiting list to fill the vacancy.For those who have been selected for the waiting list to fill the vacancy, a statement to that effect will be provided in the acceptance notification.Among the candidates who are on the waiting list to fill the vacancy, those who have been accepted will receive the second notification.In the process, the school might contact the candidates to determine their intention to enroll on an individual basis.

Admission procedure

Those who have passed the admission screening should complete the following admission procedures within two weeks from the date of issuance of the notification of acceptance.

  1. Please submit the admission documents to the Admission Center (Admissions Office).
  2. Please make the necessary payments by the prescribed method.

* If the procedure is not completed by the specified date, the acceptance may be cancelled, as we will assume there is no intention to enter.If you decide to decline admission, please notify the Admission Center immediately.

Notebook PC Requirement

Notebook PC is required to attend our programs.Students of this university must have a laptop computer to take the course. Please check the following for the required specifications of the laptop computer used for studying at our university, and prepare your own, considering the content you want to learn and the software you want to use.

Recommended laptop specifications for students initiating their studies in April or October 2022.

CPU Memory Storage GPU Display Other
Intel Core i7
(8th Generation or above)
16 GB or more SSD 512 GB or more Intel onboard 13.3 inch or more Web camera
Internet Connetivity at your home

* Please select a device with the specs above or higher.



Successful applicants are required to pay the tuition fee by the designated date stated in the notification of acceptance.

Delivery method In principle, the annual amount will be delivered in a lump sum.

* Split payment (two payments for the spring semester and the fall semester) is also possible. However, please pay the entrance fee, alumni membership fee, insurance premium, and other expenses on first payment.

Department of Web Business Technology, Graduate School of Applied Information Technology

  enrollment fee tuition fee Education expansion costs Experimental training fee
1st year 250,000 yen 700,000 yen 250,000 yen 600,000 yen
2nd year - 700,000 yen 250,000 yen 600,000 yen
  1. Tuition fees, educational expansion fees, and laboratory fees will be applied as follows: one-half for the spring semester and one-half for the fall semester, respectively.
  2. If you have been enrolled for more than two years, the tuition rate for the second year will be applied.
  3. An alumni association fee (lifetime) of 30,000 yen will be collected in the first year (during the admission process upon the entrance to the school ).
  4. In the year of completion, 15,000 yen will be collected as expenses for completion.
  5. In addition to the above amounts, we will collect insurance premiums for student disaster and accident insurance (i.e. Gakken disaster and Gakken accident incidental liability insurance).
  6. Sapporo satellite and Tokyo satellite will collect 10,000 yen per year as a deposit for miscellaneous expenses and settle it at the end of the fiscal year (at the time of admission procedure for the first year. For students from the second year onward, April students will be admitted in February and October students will be admitted in August.

* If you apply for withdrawal in writing prior to the start of the admission year (by March 31 for students entering April and September 30 for students entering October), the tuition and other fees except for admission fees will be refunded after subtracting the handling costs.In other cases, paid tuition is not refundable in principle.

* Tuition fees for the second and subsequent years may change slightly to an extent that does not exceed the rate of inflation.

Entrance examination

Applicants with application qualifications 8, 9, and 10 will undergo admission screening prior to application.If you are interested in applying under these categories, please follow the procedure below.

Documents to be submitted
Please submit the following documents to the Admission Center (Admissions Office) at least 14 days before the end of each application period.Please write on envelope in red "Admission qualification examination documents" Please mail it by registered mail.
Application form for admission qualification Designated by the school/ Form B
Application form for admission qualification screening Designated by the school/Form C
Certificate of Graduation Please submit the certificate from last school you attended.
However, those who currently attend a university in the junior year and above do not need to submit this form.
Transcript For those who fall under the qualification 8 or 10, please submit documents certified by the last school from which they graduated.
Application qualification 9.Students who meet the requirements listed above must submit documents certified by the university in which they were enrolled or completed.
Recommendation letter Application qualification 9.Students who meet the requirements listed must submit documents that have been issued and sealed by the university in which they were enrolled or completed.
Curriculum table Application qualification 9.Students who fall under the following category should submit a detailed description of the contents of the courses offered by their enrolled or completed departments.
Reference material Please refer to "Reference materials" such as application documents.

Examination method
In addition to the examination based on the submitted documents, the following academic ability examinations will be conducted in principle.
  1. written examination
    • Essay (Select one from multiple tasks and discuss approx. 1,200 characters in 60 minutes)
  2. Oral examination
Examination schedule
The examination date and venue will be announced separately.
Applicants will be notified in one week as to the results of the review.

Long-Term Student System

At this university, for working students who are studying hard while working, the period of study can be extended to 4 years in regards to 3-year degrees, or 3 years in regards to 2-year degrees by applying in advance. (Tuition fees are paid in installments according to the period of study. An enrollment fee of 20,000 yen is required for each semester from the third year onward). If you wish to take long-term courses, please add ☑ to the "Long-term course request" column on the admission application form (A form). In addition, it is necessary to submit the prescribed long-term course application form and documents certifying the reason (certificate of employment, etc.) at the time of admission procedure.

Scholarship Application Guidelines

In order to develop capable human resources who can contribute to society as highly specialized professionals in the future, KCGI offers a unique scholarship system that provides a wide range of opportunities for students who wish to enter KCGI. Applicants for the scholarship should apply as follows and take the Scholarship Examination.

Scholarship Category

Classification system Summary Type
KCGI Scholarship student (1) Scholarship system For those who are excellent in both academic performance and personalities, who can serve as role models for other students and contribute to the development of our school.
  • KCGI Special Scholarship
  • Foundation Memorial Scholarship
  • Class A scholarship
  • Class B scholarship
Financial support ② Future IT Human Resource Development Scholarship System For those who have difficulty obtaining education from our school due to economic circumstances Provide financial support to those who meet certain household income criteria.
  • Special Scholarship
  • Sapporo Satellite Scholarship Student
  • Group school scholarship students
  • Alumni Association Family Scholarship
③Loan system For those who have difficulty obtaining education from our school due to economic circumstances We provide interest-free loans for tuition fees.
  • Tuition loan class I
  • Tuition loan class II
  • Expense loan recipients
④ Tuition split support system For those who have difficulty obtaining education from our school due to economic circumstances We provide support equivalent to interest fees to the users of affiliated educational loans.
  • Tuition split support scholars

You can apply for various scholarships at the same time, but you cannot use them together except in the following cases.

*Tuition loan Class I and Class II can be used in conjunction with the special scholarship system and Expense loan.

* Loans can be used in combination with the special student system, future IT human resource development scholarship system, tuition loan scholarship type I / II, and tuition division support system.

* Tuition split support scholarship students can be used in combination with the special scholarship system (excluding KCGI special scholarship students) or student loans.

Application procedures for scholarship exams

As a general rule, the required documents for each desired type Enclosed in application documents for admission screening After that, please submit it to the Admission Center of the University (Admissions Office) ( "Admission schedule" Must arrive at the end of the application period for each recruitment).

If you apply at the same time as the entrance examination, no scholarship examination fee is required. If you take the examination separately from the entrance examination or if you take the scholarship selection multiple times, you will need to submit the documents, the scholarship examination examination fee of 30,000 yen, and the pass / fail notification stamp of 800 yen each time.

Documents to be submitted

Document name (1) Scholarship system ② Future IT Human Resource Development Scholarship System ③Loan system ④ Tuition split support system
a. Scholarship Application Form (Form D) * 1
b. Scholarship Student Survey Form (Form E)  
c. Transcript ○※ 2 ○※ 2    
d. Graduation (expected) certificate ○※ 2 ○※ 2    
e. Recommendation letter △※ 3 △※ 4    
f. Documents certifying the income of the main household supporter (one person)   ○※ 5    
g. Documents certifying the household income   ○※ 6 ○※ 6  
h. Documents certifying the special economic situation of the household
This is optional, This is optional, and the style is open and up to the applicant.
i. Reference materials such as certificates ○※ 7      

* If you are applying for multiple categories, it is unnecessary to submit duplicate documents. In addition to the above, additional documents may be requested.

* 1. If you cannot fit your Qualifications in the specified field, please enter “see the attached” and attach a separate sheet (A4 size).

* 2. It is not necessary to submit duplicate application documents separate from the admission application.

* 3. The submission is optional and the format is open and up to the applicant.

* 4. For the students in KCG group schools (Kyoto Computer Gakuin and Kyoto Gakuin Automobile School), the schoolteacher’s recommendation is required.

* 5. Please submit one of the following for the “documents proving the income of the main householder (one person)”. (A copy is also acceptable)

  • Tax Withholding slip (for multiple employments, one slip for each job is required) or the latest income certificate, tax certificate, final tax return (first and second tables), etc. is required.
  • In the case of a pensioner, a certificate regarding the pension is required.
  • In the case of unemployment, a certificate of unemployment (retirement certificate, certificate of business closure, etc.) is required.
  • If the student himself / herself is a head of household / independent living person, please submit documents (copy of health insurance card, etc.) that prove that the student is not dependent on the parents or equivalent care providers.

* 6. Submit a document (see * 5) that proves the income of the entire household, including “income of the main householder (one person)”.

* 7. Please submit a certificate of acceptance for various qualifications or a copy of the certificate of acceptance (A4 size).

Date / time of examination
As a general rule, it is the same day as admission screening. The time and venue will be notified when the Examination ID is mail.
Pass / fail result
Along with the pass / fail results of the admission screening, we will notify the applicant in writing of the scholarship recruitment result notification on the day of the announcement of the results of each recruitment.
  • As a general rule, if you drop out or have poor grades or attendance, you must return the full amount of your scholarship.
  • Scholarship students are obligated to participate in and cooperate with school events, contribute to the development of the school, and become role models for other students, such as obtaining qualifications.

(1) Scholarship system

We will notify you in writing along with the results of admission screening.

Type Summary Number of recipients
KCGI Special Scholarship The full amount of experimental training fee while you attend school, and the full amount of educational expansion fee for the first year will be waived. A few
Foundation Memorial Scholarship The full amount of experiment training fee in the first year will be waived. A few
Class A scholarship 250,000 yen is waived from tuition fees in the first year. 5 people
Class B scholarship 150,000 yen will be exempted from the tuition fee for the first year. 10 people
Selection Method
Document screening, written examination (short essay, select one from multiple assignments and essay about 1,000 characters in 60 minutes), interview (conducted at the same time as the interview examination for admission)

② Future IT Human Resource Development Scholarship System

It is for those who have difficulty in studying due to financial circumstances. In recent years, the shortage of IT human resources in Japan is acute, and the development of advanced IT human resources has become more urgent than ever. In order to respond to the diversifying IT environment and needs, this scholarship provides support in terms of tuition fees for those who strongly wish to enroll in our university but are unable to enroll due to financial reasons.

Type Summary Number of recipients
Special Scholarship 500,000 yen is exempted from the first year tuition fee, 350,000 yen is exempted from the experimental training fee, and 550,000 yen is exempted from the second year tuition fee. 10 people
Sapporo Satellite Scholarship Student 600,000 yen from the first year tuition fee, and 350,000 yen from the experimental training fee are waived. From the second year, 600,000yen from the tuition fee is waived. 5 people
Group school scholarship students 600,000 yen from the first year tuition fee, and 350,000 yen from the experimental training fee are waived. From the second year, 600,000yen from the tuition fee is waived. 5 people
Alumni Association Family Scholarship

*Renewal procedures (review and re-examination) will be carried out at the end of the academic year. Scholarships might not be renewed, depending upon the circumstances.

Qualified candidates
Those who satisfy ① and ② below
①Applicants who wish to enter the Kyoto College of Graduate Studies for Informatics
* Foreign students are not eligible.
* “Sapporo Satellite Scholarship” is available for applicants to Sapporo Satellite Campus.
* “Group school scholarship students” must be current students or graduates of Kyoto Computer Gakuin and Kyoto Gakuin Automobile School and fall under any of the following.
  • Those who are expected to graduate or have graduated from each department of the 4-year course
  • Graduated from a 4-year university
*"Alumni Association Family Scholarship Students" refers to those whose relatives within the 4th degree of kinship are students or graduates of Kyoto Information School, Kyoto Computer Gakuin, and Kyoto Gakuin Automobile School.
(2) Persons whose household standards (income of one main household supporter) are as follows in principle
  • Salary income earners: Annual income of 6.86 million yen or less
  • Non-wage earners: Annual income of 2.8 million yen or less
*Qualified annual income is determined based on “Private Salary Survey” and “National Life Survey”.
Selection Method
Document review, interview (performed at the same time as the entrance examination)

③Loan system

For those who have difficulty obtaining education from our school due to economic circumstances, the school provides interest-free loans.

Type Summary Number of recipients
Tuition loan class I The amount for the tuition fees, education expansion fees, and experimental training fees (1,550,000 yen) will be loaned free of interest while you are enrolled in school 5 people
Tuition loan class II Half of the tuition, education expansion fee, and experimental training fee (775,000 yen) will be lent without interest. 10 people
Expense loan recipients A monthly fee of 40,000 yen will be loaned free of interest until completion of the program. 10 people

*Renewal procedures (review and re-examination) will be carried out at the end of the academic year. The loan amount (type) may change depending on the situation.

* If the tuition loan is combined with other scholarships, the loan amount is limited to the tuition fee after reduction.

Selection Method
Document screening, written examination (short essay, select one from multiple assignments and essay about 1,000 characters in 60 minutes), interview (conducted at the same time as the interview examination for admission)
Return method
Tuition Loan Class I and Class II recipients shall pay back at least 20,000 yen per month from the month following the month in which they completed the program they attended. Each month, from the month following the month in which the loan ended, the loan recipients must pay back at least 1/2 of the monthly loan amount. And they shall pay back within the double period of the loan term.

④ Tuition split support system

For those who have difficulty obtaining education at our school due to economic circumstances, we provide financial support equivalent to interest rate fees for affiliated education loan users.

Type Summary Number of recipients
Tuition split support scholars Support for interest rate fees (fee for 24 payments of 1.55 million yen (excluding admission fee) for the first year tuition (if no principal deferment period is provided for 2 years)) for those who use the education loan affiliated with the university.
  • Eligibility:
    Those who use the affiliated educational loans of 1,000,000 yen or more for the school expense
  • Reduction Amount:
    60,000 yen from the first year tuition
No limit

* The scholarship recipients will return the amount of reduction after the month of enrollment.

*The Affiliated Education Loan is a direct contract with a credit company affiliated with our school. Details available at Affiliated Education LoansThis financial aid system will be unavailable if the credit company denies your loan application.

* If you partake in a partner education loan contract in the second year as well, possibility of extension of scholarship will be determined after examination.

Selection Method
Document review

Other scholarships Scholarship

Our school is a part of the KCG group along with Kyoto Computer Gakuin, Japan's first computer education institution. The purpose of this system is to promote human interaction and deepen the relationship between the Kyoto College of Graduate Studies for Informatics and Kyoto Computer Gakuin.


A part of the KCG group Kyoto Computer Gakuin Involved in work such as TA (Teaching Assistant) and lesson material creation (1 year)
Eligibility Requirements
Students at the Kyoto College of Graduate Studies for Informatics
Amount of payment
50,000 yen to 400,000 yen as a lump sum
Selection Method
Number of recipients
A few

For current students of Kyoto Main Campus.

* Recruitment and selection will be conducted after enrollment.

Japan Student Services Organization

The Japan Student Services Organization is a student support organization based on the Japan Student Services Organization Act. As a graduate school based on the School Education Act, our school is eligible for the Japan Student Services Organization scholarship system. This scholarship system aims to contribute to the sound development of society and equalizing educational opportunities by using funds for excellent students who have difficulty acquiring higher education for economic reasons.

Scholarships are classified into “first class” (no interest) and “second class” (with interest), and the application is accepted every Spring.
Scholarships are loaned the following monthly amount as a general rule every month during the study period until graduation.
Types of scholarships * The amount is monthly
Class 1 scholarship: 50,000 yen or 88,000 yen
Second-class scholarship: 50,000 yen, 80,000 yen, 100,000 yen, 130,000 yen, or 150,000 yen
Application eligibility
  1. Persons enrolled at our school
  2. Those who need financial assistance for educational purpose
  3. A person who has the attitude and behavior appropriate as a student and expectation to become a sensible member of society

* There are two ways to apply: "Reservation recruitment" to reserve a scholarship after enrollment before going on to school, and enrollment recruitment to apply after enrollment. Please contact the Japan Student Services Organization for details such as application.

Japan Student Services Organization URL

Affiliated education loan, etc.

Affiliated Education Loans

We have formed alliances with companies such as Orico and Jacks, which provide easy access to educational loans. If you use these credit companies, you can study with an education loan of 1 million yen paid in 24 installments (2 years, no principal deferment period) with a monthly payment of about 50,000 yen. Details available at Affiliated Education Loans

Other Educational Loans

Other educational loans are also available. For details, please contact "National Education Loan" (Japan Finance Corporation) or each financial institution directly. However, it is not eligible for tuition split support scholars.

Precautions for filling in application documents.

Enrollment Application Form (Form A)

  • Please fill in all the sections framed in bold on both the front and back sides with black or blue ink.
  • Enter the recruitment times and examination dates corresponding to the application period in the recruitment times and examination dates column.
  • For the current address, enter current and reliable information so that we can reach you if necessary.
  • The guarantor entry field should be filled in by a person who is a guarantor, such as a guardian.
  • Please attach the photo with your name on the back.

Examination ID (Form F)

  • Please fill in all the sections framed in bold with black or blue ink.
  • Please fill in the address and name on the back and attach a stamp worth 353 yen (express delivery).

* The admission ticket will be returned to the applicant the day after the final day of each application period.

Photo Form (Form G)

  • Please fill in all the sections framed in bold with black or blue ink.
  • Please attach the photo with your name on the back.

Transfer of Entrance Fees

  1. Before submitting your application, please make a payment of the admission fee or the scholarship examination fee (30,000 yen) to one of the following accounts through the ATM of your financial institution.
    Financial institution name Branch Name Account Type Account Number
    Mitsubishi UFJ Bank Kyoto Branch Ordinary Saving Account 1203818
    Resona Bank Kyoto Branch Ordinary Saving Account 2363907
    Kyoto Chuo Shinkin Bank Head Office Sales Department Ordinary Saving Account 1566879

    *Account Name: The Kyoto College of Graduate Studies for Informatics

    Financial institution name Account Number
    Japan Post Bank (postal transfer) 00950-3-166396

    *Account Name: The Kyoto College of Graduate Studies for Informatics Admissions Office

  2. After making the payment, submit a copy of the "payment slip" (A4 Size) along with other application documents to the Admission Center \ (Admissions Office).
  3. Please keep the "Transfer Usage Statement Form" as it will be your proof of payment for the entrance examination fee.

*The applicant is responsible for the transfer fee.

Self-introduction, Motivation for Application, and Essays

  • Enter in the document creation software and submit the output form (A4 Size) (Data submission is not allowed.).
  • Please put the title and your name at the beginning of each document.
  • The theme of the essay is open. Examples include:
    • IT and Business
    • Applicant's field of expertise
    • Current events,

About the employment history resume

  • Please submit if you apply for the working adults special selection. The style is open, but please describe your work history and experience in as much detail as possible.

About the Entrance Qualification Screening

For those wherein admission qualification examination is necessary, " Admission qualification examination Please submit the documents described at least 14 days before the last day of each application period (the schedule of admission qualification examination, etc. will be notified to the applicant after submission).

Enrollment Qualification Approval Application Form (Form B) and Enrollment Qualification Approval Application Screening Form (Form C)

  • *Please fill in all sections, except for the marked column, in black or blue ink.
  • For the current address, enter current and reliable information so that we can reach you if necessary.
  • For the current address, enter current and reliable information so that we can reach you if necessary. Please also enter the name of the institution, faculty, department, and major.
  • Please fill in the employment history column in chronological order. Please also enter the company / organization name and department / occupation.

*Once accepted, application documents and admission fees will not be returned.

Contact Information

The Kyoto College of Graduate Studies for Informatics Admission Center (Admissions Office)
Free call: 0120-911-122 (for admission consultation only)
TEL: 075-681-6332
FAX: 075-681-6335