Concentration Corese Pathways

For a student who is studying ERP to become a consultant who optimizes business processes
This is a concentration field for ERP consultants who promote the implementation and optimization of information systems in companies, and for SEs and programmers who design and develop additional functions for ERP packages.By studying applied courses related to SAP’s ERP packages (Financial Accounting System Development, for example), the student can learn about ERP systems in stages.

Business Data Analytics
For a student who wants to become an analyst who guides corporate decision- making by analyzing business data
This is a concentration field that aims to provide analysts with the ability to analyze business data using methods such as data mining and statistical analysis, and to support the planning and promotion of corporate strategies.Students learn how to accumulate business data in "Fundamentals of Database Technology" and "Advanced Topics in Database Technology," and how to gain new knowledge from accumulated data in "Data Science" and "Machine Learning."

IT Entrepreneurship
For a student aiming to become an entrepreneur who applies IT in a new business
This student aims to be an entrepreneur who takes up the challenge of launching a business that strategically manages people, funds and/or information. The student learns how to propose a business plan, which is a vital part of launching an enterprise, by attending Entrepreneurship and Business Models. To learn how to manage the new company’s accounts after startup, the student attends Current Issues in IT Industry. In Organizational Behavior, the student learns how to motivate human organizations.

Web Systems Development
For a student who is strongly focused on developing Web systems centered on HTML5
To become an engineer who develops Web apps or a manager of a website, the student can build up his development skills by attending "Web Programming 1–3. " By attending "Fundamentals of Database Technology", "Advanced Topics in Database Technology", students can learn to construct the section that manages the data provided by the Web system. In addition, the student can add Object-Oriented System Design and Software Engineering to his curriculum to learn about designing processes further upstream.

Network Administration
For a student aiming for a career as a specialist in network infrastructure technology and information security
This student’s ambition is to become a specialist in information networks, such as a maintenance/operation engineer for company-internal networks and servers, or a security manager. Having already studied network systems by attending Fundamentals of Networking / Advanced Studies in Networking, he challenges himself to learn new technologies by attending courses such as IoT and Wireless Networks and Cloud Networks and Virtualization.

IT Manga and Anime
For a student who wishes to become a professional content creator in animation, video or the like.
This concentration field aims for students to become a professional content creator, focusing on manga and anime. Special Topics in "Special Topics in Anime, Planning, Production and Promotion ", "Scenario Writing and Storyboarding", the student learns the upstream processes of creating manga and anime, while in "Rich Media Content Development" and "Digital Animation Creation" students learn how to produce digital content using specific tools.

IT Tourism
For a student who wishes to become an advisor who can plan tourism businesses and propose related systems
Students of tourism IT aim to become specialists who understand the characteristics of the regions that serve as tourism resources and the needs of tourists and can apply ICT in the deployment of services and marketing strategies. By attending courses such as "Fundamentals of IT Tourism" and "Fundamentals of Tourism Business", students acquire operational knowledge and elemental skills tailored to the tourism industry. In addition to "Tourism Data Analysis", "Tourism Information System Design," and "Tourism Destination Management," students will learn how to link with social networking services as a means of promotion, how to provide multilingual and multimedia tourism information, and how to collect, analyze, and predict the behavioral history of tourists.

Bespoke Curriculum
Choose your study approach freely to cover a wide range of knowledge and fields of application
Students are allowed to select their own courses from a wide range of concentration and industries to create an original curriculum covering a wide range of knowledge and applications.All courses other than the required courses are selected in consultation with an academic advisor, so that students can assemble curricula that are most closely aligned with their goals. This flexibility provides an excellent means for students to aim for new applied fields in IT.

What is the significance of the Bespoke curriculum?
In a mere half-century, from the dawn of the IT and computer era in the 1960s to the present day, the IT field has advanced tremendously, transforming the shape of work and technology. In tandem with this transformation, the knowledge and skills required of students of IT and the problems they are required to address have transitioned and diversified. To cite one example, applications for smartphones have to be planned and designed for applications based on far different assumptions about use cases than for traditional PCs, such as connections to cameras, sensors and cloud services. The greatest opportunities for the debut of innovative technologies and solutions in IT lie beyond the bounds of current convention, where conventional concepts no longer apply.
In order to respond to students' future visions and diverse needs, the university has established a "Bespoke Curriculum" that allows students to structure their curriculum based on a flexible selection of subjects according to their own learning objectives, without being bound by existing concentrations or industrial fields.
The field of IT is sure to continue to grow and diversify across multiple fronts. It is by no means impossible for enterprising people to create new careers by opening new fields. The Bespoke Curriculum is a course of study designed to allow students to construct and study a unique curriculum that goes beyond existing concepts by making the most of the generality (versatility) of ICT, which can be applied to all fields and can be combined in various ways.