Seiichirō Aoki
Seiichiro Aoki
- Bachelor of Science, Osaka University, PhD in Science, the Graduate School of Science, Tokyo University (Astronomy)
- Director of Astronomy Dissemination Project Office, Graduate School of Science, Kyoto University. Part-time Lecturer, Kansai University. Part-time Lecturer, Osaka University of Economics. Former Research Fellow, Osaka University. Former Part-time Lecturer, Shiga University.
- Received the Science and Technology Award from the Minister of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology in 2013.

Amit PariyarAmit Pariyar
- (Thailand) Asian Institute of Technology, Department of Computer Science and Information Management, Master of Engineering
- Ph.D., Graduate School of Informatics, Kyoto University
- University of Malaysia Sarawak,Institute of Social Informatics and Technological Innovations (ISITI), Researcher

Volodymyr MygdalskyyVolodymyr Mygdalskyy
- Master of Science(Applied Mathematics), Odessa I.I. Mechnikov National University, Doctor of Informatics, Kyoto University
- Former assistant, Department of Applied Mathematical science, Odessa I.I. Mechnikov National University, former Special Lecuturer Kyoto University, Part-time Lecturer Doshisha University, Part-time Lecturer Kansai University

Kengo Ōnishi
Kengo Onishi
- Bachelor of Architecture, Kansai University
- Director, Onishi Construction Co., Ltd., Vice President, Kyoto Landscape Forum (a specified nonprofit corporation), President, Kizuno-Machizukuri Council (a specified non-profit corporation), Roundabout Representative, Design Office
- first-class architect, an emergency risk assessor of buildings damaged by the earthquake in Kyoto Prefecture, an earthquake-resistant assessor of wooden houses in Kyoto Prefecture, the 22nd chairman and current advisor of the Kyoto branch youth division of the Kyoto Prefecture Construction Contractors Association, and the 31st chairman of the Kyoto Construction Club of the Japan Youth Chamber of Construction.

Hu Ming
Ming Hu
- Bachelor of Science, Qingdao University. Completed Master’s degree, Guizhou University (majoring in mathematics). Completed Doctorate degree, Graduate School of Informatics, Kyoto University. PhD (Informatics).
- Former Joint Foreign Researcher, Graduate School of Informatics, Kyoto University, Former Research Fellow, Japan Society for the Promotion of Science

Hironori Sakamoto
Hironori Sakamoto
- Bachelor of Engineering, Tokyo Institute of Technology, Master’s degree of Mathematical Sciences, University of Tokyo
- Employee of Nihon Unisys Technology Research and Development Center

Ryōko Takahashi
Ryoko Takahashi
- Bachelor Of Arts, Master Of Arts, Doshisha University, Master Of Science In Information Technology From The Kyoto College Of Graduate Studies For Informatics

Akihiko Takeda
Akihiko Takeda
- Master of the Veterinary Medicine from the Department of Agriculture at Nihon University, Japan, veterinarian
- Former Hitachi system engineer, former Tokyo Internet Co., Ltd., e-Government e-Japan project staff, first Kyoto Computer Gakuin Information System Office manager, Intellect Supply Co., Ltd.

Atsushi Tabuchi
Atsushi Tabuchi
- Bachelor of Engineering, Master of Electrical Engineering, Kyoto University
- Former employee of NEC Central Research Laboratory

Takao Nakaguchi
Takao Nakaguchi
- Graduate, Kyoto Computer Gakuin, Master of Science in Information and Technology (professional), The Kyoto College of Graduate Studies for Informatics graduating top of the class with a Master’s degree in Informatics, Completed the doctoral program (Department of Social Informatics), Graduate School of Informatics, Kyoto University
- Former Director and Manager of System Development Department, Admax Corporation; Former Visiting Research Engineer, Advanced Telecommunications Research Institute International (ATR) Human Information and Communication Laboratories (HIP); Former Chief Technology Officer, ANTRAD Corporation; Former Chief Technology Officer, @Sen Corporation; Former Senior Researcher, NTT Advanced Technology Corporation; Former Research Fellow, Graduate School of Informatics, Kyoto University; Representative Director, Connections Inc.

Benjamin NouvelBenjamin Nouvel
- Bachelor’s degree in Art History from Toulouse University, Master’s degree in Art History from the University of Paris (Sorbonne University)
- Former Japan-France Joint Project Coordinator, Department of Multimedia, The Louvre Museum, Paris. Former head of the Japan Expo festival programming department, France
- Achievements in the event industry on the organizer, exhibitor, and venue management sides. Has been involved in numerous cultural projects and museum related international projects. Familiar with a wide range of fields, including French culture and Japanese traditional and pop culture.

Yuko MasudaYuko Masuda
- Master of Social Work from the School of Social Work, Columbia University (New York, USA) Four-year Master’s Degree in Psychoanalysis and Analytical Psychotherapy from the Postgraduate Center for Mental Health Bachelor of Arts in Spanish Language Studies from the Faculty of Foreign Studies, Sophia University (overseas study)

Izu MatsuoIzu Matsuo
- Kyoto University, BA in Law University of Southern California, MBA
- Sony Electronics, Senior Product Marketing Manager Carl Zeiss Vision, Product Manager Kyocera International, Senior Product Manager Expedia Group, Area Manager