- (モロッコ)アル・アハワイン大学,Bachelor of Science in General Engineering, 奈良先端科学技術大学院大学情報科学研究科修士課程修了,修士(工学),京都大学大学院情報科学研究科博士課程研究指導認定退学,福井大学大学院工学研究科博士課程修了,博士(工学)
- フランス国立科学技術研究所(LAAS/CNRS) 客員 研究員,株式会社エクセディ ファイナンシャルアナリスト,情報セキュリティ株式会社 情報セキュリティエンジニア
- コンピュータ構成論
- 経路制御と交換
- 経路制御と交換特論
- Fundamentals of Networking
- Routing and Switching
- Advanced Routing and Switching
- 情報通信ネットワーク
- データサイエンス
Badr Oulad Nassar(旧姓)とBadr Mochizukiの両方の名称で論文執筆。
- Badr Oulad Nassar,Takuji Tachibana, and Kenji Sugimoto, “Random Scheduling based on Transmission Delay and Buffer Size for Hop-Based Burst-Cluster Transmission in OBS Networks”, Photonic Network Communications, vol. 19, no. 3, pp. 292-300, June 2010.
- Takuji Tachibana, Badr Oulad Nassar, and Shoji Kasahara, “Hop-based Burst-Cluster Transmission: Fairness Improvement in High-Performance OBS Networks”, IEEE/OSA Journal of Optical Communications and Networking, vol. 3, no. 6, pp. 542-552, June 2011.
- Badr Oulad Nassar and Takuji Tachibana, “Path Splitting for Virtual Network Embedding in Elastic Optical Networks”, International Journal of Computer Networks & Communications, vol. 10, no. 2, pp.1-13, April 2018.
- Badr Mochizuki, “Spectrum Continuity Awareness for Virtual Network Construction in Elastic Optical Networks”, Nippon Applied Informatics Society Journal, vol. 13, pp. 7-15, March 2019.
- Badr Oulad Nassar and Takuji Tachibana, “Physical Impairments Aware Virtual Optical Network Construction Algorithm with Service Differentiation in Elastic Optical Networks”, International Journal of Sensors Wireless Communications and Control, vol 9, pp.468-479, September 2019.
- Badr Oulad Nassar and Takuji Tachibana, “Adaptive Burst Reordering for Burst-Cluster Transmission to Improve Fairness in OBS Networks”, Journal of High-Speed Networks, vol. 26, no. 1, pp. 1-12, March 2020.
- Badr Mochizuki and Yutaka Takahashi, “Fair Spectrum Degradation with QoS Assurance for Lightpath Establishment in Elastic Optical Networks”, Nippon Applied Informatics Society Journal, vol. 15, pp. 48-56, March 2021.
- Badr Mochizuki, “AI-assisted In-band Network Telemetry Framework for Fast Network Failure Detection in Optical Core Networks”, Nippon Applied Informatics Society Journal, vol. 16, pp. 19-25, March 2022.
- Badr Oulad Nassar, Takuji Tachibana, and Kenji Sugimoto, “Dynamic Burst Ordering for Burst-Cluster Transmission to Improve Fairness in OBS Networks”, The International Conference on Communications Systems and Technologies 2008 (ICCST 2008), Berkeley, CA, USA, October 2008.
- Badr Oulad Nassar, Takuji Tachibana, and Kenji Sugimoto, “Random Scheduling Method for Hop-based Burst-Cluster Transmission in Optical Burst Switching Networks” The 7th International Conference on Optical Internet (COIN 2008), Akihabara, Tokyo, October 2008.
- Badr Oulad Nassar and Takuji Tachibana, “Degraded Provisioning of Spectrum and Holding time with QoS Assurance in Elastic Optical Networks”, International Conference on Photonics in Switching and Computing (OECC/PSC 2019), Fukuoka, Japan, July 2019.
- Yimeng Sun, Fairoza Amira Binti Hamzah, Badr Mochizuki, “Optimized Light-Weight Convolutional Neural Networks for Histopathologic Cancer Detection”, LifeTech 2020, Kyoto, Japan, March 2020.
- Badr Mochizuki and Takuji Tachibana, “Fairness-Aware lightpath Establishment with Degraded Spectrum Provisioning in Elastic Optical Networks”, 2020 International Conference on Emerging Technologies for Communications, Online, December 2020.
- Badr Oulad Nassar,Takuji Tachibana, and Kenji Sugimoto, “Performance Evaluation of Random Scheduling for Hop-based Burst-Cluster Transmission in OBS Networks,” IECE NS Conference 2008 (2008-03-NS-IN), Okinawa Japan, March 2008.
- Badr Oulad Nassar, Takuji Tachibana, and Kenji Sugimoto, “Improvement of the performance of OBS Mesh Networks with Hop-based Burst-Cluster Transmission”, ITRC Conference (ITRC-NGN 2008), Kobe, Japan, September 2008.
- Badr Oulad Nassar, Takuji Tachibana, and Kenji Sugimoto, “Fairness Improvement by Burst Reordering for Hop-based Burst-Cluster Transmission in OBS Mesh Networks”, IECE Conference 2008 (NS2008-118), Kobe, Japan, December 2008.
- Badr Oulad Nassar, Takuji Tachibana, and Yutaka Takahashi, “Physical Layer Impairments Aware Routing with Service Differentiation in Transparent Optical Networks”, IECE Conference 2010 (NS2010-29), Akita, Japan, June 2010.
- Badr Oulad Nassar and Takuji Tachibana, “Service Differentiation with Physical Impairment Awareness for Virtual Network Embedding in Elastic Optical Networks”, IEICE Society Conference 2018 (BS-7-30), Kanazawa, Japan, September 2018.
- Badr Mochizuki and Takuji Tachibana, “Online Lightpath Establishment with Expanded/Contracted Service Provisioning in Elastic Optical Networks”, IEICE Society Conference 2019 (BS-4-8), Osaka, Japan, September 2019.
- 英語セッション奨励賞,電子情報通信学会情報通信マネジメント研究会,2020
- Best performance award, ITU AI/ML in 5G Challenge日本ラウンド,NEC,2020
- 第3位, ITU AI/ML in 5G Challenge日本ラウンド,一般社団法人情報通信技術委員会,2020