- Bachelor of Engineering, Kyoto University, Graduate School of Engineering, Kyoto University (Department of Electronics), Doctor of Engineering
- Professor Emeritus, Kyoto University; Former President of the Institute of Systems, Control and Information Engineers; Councilor of the Institute of Systems, Control and Information Engineers; and Fellow, Japan Society for Electronic Information and Communication Engineers
- Vice President, The Kyoto College of Graduate School for Informatics
Responsible Subject
- Visual Processing
- Honors Master Thesis
Field of Specialization
- Development of image measurement, processing and display systems
- Medical Information Processing
Business Performance
Paper (Partial Only):
- Imaging of left ventriculography and display, measurement and control of cardiac function 19, pp. 923 -936, 1980
- Reconstruction of 3-D Images of Pulsating Left Ventricle from 2-D Sector Scan Echocardiograms, Computers in Cardiology 1981, pp. 19 -24, 1982, (Left ventricular configuration from ultrasound tomography.)
- 3-D Heart Image Reconstructed from MRI Data, Computerized Medical Imaging and Graphics 15, pp. 241 -246, 1991 (Stereoscopic configuration of the heart from MRICT data.)
- Automatic Detection of Coronary Artery Vascular Branches from Radiographic Images, Medical Imaging Technology 10, pp. 511 -520, 1992
- Current status and future of three-dimensional imaging in medicine, Journal of the Institute of Electrical Engineers of Japan, C 113, pp. 302 -308, 1993
- Configuration of Three-Dimensional Coronary Artery Images from Two-Way Radiographic Imaging, Journal of the Society of System Control Information 7, pp. 265 -273, 1994
- Generation and display of piano performance by computer, Information Processing Society of Japan Journal 40, pp. 2827 -2837, 1999
- Morphological Approach to Automated Coronary Extraction, Medical Imaging Technology, Vol. 18, No. 3, pp. 231 -239, 2000.
- Measurement of Aortic Vascular Shape and Lesion Detection for Stained Graft Implantation Assistance, Journal of the Japan Society of Electronics, Information and Communication Engineers, J 84 DII No. 11, pp. 468 -476, 2001
- Registration and Superimposed Display of Coronary Arterial Tree on Bull's Eye Map of SPECT, IEICE Transactions on Information and Systems, E 85 D No. 1, pp. 69 -76, 2002 (Fusion representation of the coronary artery and left ventricle of the heart)
- Extraction of Blood Vessels from Head MRA by Branch Unit Regional Grading, Journal of the IEICE, J 87 - DII No. 1, pp. 126 -133, 2004
- Estimating the Gradient Threshold in the Perona-Malik Equation, IEEE Signal Processing Magazine Vol. 21, No. 5, pp. 39 -47, 2004 (image processing theory)
- Branch-Based Region Growing Method for Blood Vessel Segmentation, ISPRS 10 th Congress, 796 -301, 2004 (Vessel Segmentation method)
- Study on the image registration of Galaxy image under spatially correlated noise, Proc. 12 th International Conference on Neural Information Processing, pp. 286 -291, 2005 (Repair Noise Image)
- 3D Tracking Using 2D -3 D Line Segment Correspondence and 2D Point Estimation, Proc. 1st International Conference on Computer Vision Theory and Applications, pp. 278 -285, 2006 (Detects the current position and viewing direction of a structure in a building)
- Preparation of Panoramic Moving Images of Coronary Angiography, Biomedical Engineering, Vol. 44, No. 1, pp. 107, -113, 2006