
Business data analysis/operational data analysis is a business method that has been attracting attention in various industries in recent years. The main purpose of this method is to analyze the information that companies have accumulated in big data and internal databases, and to utilize it for effective decision-making necessary for the development of the company.
The goal of this discipline is to understand how to find solutions to the various difficult challenges companies face as their complexity grows with the accumulation of diverse data.Students will learn how to analyze and process data and use it to solve various corporate problems. Students will also learn important concepts such as strategic CRM (customer information management), which is based on an understanding of marketing and statistical analysis methods, and SCM (Supply Chain Management), which deals with infrastructure development in logistics and business models of procurement.
Target Career Paths
- Analyst who extracts and makes use of information resources (data mining) and conducts market analysis
- Consultant who provides advice and guidance on product planning
- CEO who can make decisions on corporate strategy and promotion based on data
- CRM manager building models to describe consumer behavior and strategies/forecasting models
Past Master Project Themes
- Validation of e-Customer Buying Behavior Patterns Model in Cohort Analysis
- Analysis of Promotion Measures by Parmoan Cohort Analysis
- Analysis of the Importance of Motivation through the 7 Steps Customer Behavior Process by AHP
- Strategic Classification of Customer Types by Cluster Analysis
- Current State of Logistics Infrastructure Development in China
- Explaining the Mechanism of Purchasing Products through Internet Shopping, which is Rapidly Increasing in use in China
- The Importance of UX (User-Experience) in Product and Service Development and Its Success Stories
Message from Project Instructor
Professor Koh Hong-sheng
The projects I lead will focus mainly on B2C marketing strategies (e-marketing) to efficiently do business online such as Internet-based business etc. In addition to gaining a deeper understanding of ICT, which is the foundation of e-marketing, we undertake research on analyzing the purchasing behavior of customers who are not visible and strategizing the results using statistical analysis techniques such as cohort analysis and AHP analysis in order to increase online sales and profits.
Also, once a year, student representatives from the project give presentations in English at international conferences held in Europe and the United States. So, how about learning marketing strategies that are the core of customer-centric knowledge management and then presenting them in English at international conferences overseas?
Message from Project Instructor
Professor Tsuneo Imai
In my project, I set a specific theme on "SCM" which is a management method to bring high satisfaction to the end customer. We share information among companies in a business, spanning multiple departments, and analyze problems and derive a business model based on this analysis. We also develop web applications to implement the model.
Our student body is comprised of people from various backgrounds. My students improve together through friendly rivalry, and I believe they acquire the career positions they are aiming for and make a big impact in the real world.